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[lol]Spectacled Senseis Reward Diary 3D 1 Subbed[/lol]
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[lol]Fuufu Koukan Modorenai Yoru 6 Subbed[/lol]
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[lol]Mazome Soap De Aimashou! 2 Subbed[/lol]
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8 years ago
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[lul]Oni Chichi Rebirth 1 Subbed[/lul]
At least volt is not a fat ugly shit
Cant download it. Always unsuccessful. Help plz
Wondering why this aint in other sites like hentaihaven
Bad End. I love it but at the same time I’ll like to see at some point a situation where the situation is turn over for the Good End; a la “Hell Knight Ingrid”…
Yes just like he’ll knight ingrid he needs to die
Could not agree more…there should be some sort of story or twist at the very least. Here there is not side wins over all the four episodes, girls get captured (all girls are supressed sluts here, and almost all kind of seem to enjoy it.) and then reach slut potential by fucking. Bad end definitely since the pace or the story here never changes.
Nice hentai
fucking weeb. go back to sucking your father’s small dick.
The art is beautiful but Volt really needed to die.
Thank you he needs to die
well he would…he is not immortal after all
nigger power
Someone should give these women a hug and a warm cup of tea
Also why the heck would you change the ending song the last episode like there go all my nostalgia?? I liked the previous ending song. I needed that ending song to close things
In all honesty. Vort gives guys a bad reputation the very definition of evil.
Tell me why
Tell me why
Oh wait……
Yo, I don’t know what century this was in, but why aint we learnin about this shit in school!?!
Now where’s episode 5 where it turns out all the men where begin corrupted by demons? Not a thing that’s happening? Well fuck this shit then.
since this was first released its still the best one for me
wtf!! i couldn’t even move on with this hentai.who the hell made this! why make the very gorgeous lady celestine lucrece to be rape.
the woman at the beginning. Can’t she fight she’s a fucking knight for god sake
The day that the Sex Empire was born, a lone warrior arrives and kills all the demons and monsters.
All men, women, Volt and his soldiers looked at him walking towards them.
Volt: Who are you?
(Plays Roronoa Zoro theme)
Please kys
YOU Kill Yourself. You Netorare Loving Faggot.
dude, i hate netorare too, but just ignore him.
hes not worth your time. those fags need to die, sure.
but they have their own mindsets too.
Imagine being butthurt over a fetish in animated japanese porn, you’re a cuck.
duude. that would be epic.
all the women would be violated already so he wouldnt get anything too worthwhile…
but it would be epic to see him reck this stupid monsterfilled/netorare crap empire to go to hell.
He should bring his childhood friend with him too though. so he can still get her virginity in the end at least, when its all over.
man, ikr. it would actually give this hentai some storyline sowhat, and add a badass character who kills the violators of the empire.
Great Idea! now you folks are talking.
No! i Got Something Better…
*Plays The Very Very Very Strongest Theme*
Man: “Volt. Your Days Are Over. I Have Come To End This Corrupted Empire.”
Volt: “What? Men! Guards! Get Him!”
The Man Slashes Through All Soldiers Who Approach Him Instantly, Causing The Others To Flinch And Back Off.
Volt: “You Cowards! Do Something!”
The Man Sheathes His Sword, And All Soldiers In The Room Explode.
Volt: “W-What The Hell…?”
The Man Instantly Flashes Before Volt, And Holds His Thumb To Volt’s Neck.
Volt: “Gah!”
Volt Rears Back And Begins To Draw His Blade.
Man: “Die, You Disgust Me.”
Volt’s Arms Explode Before He Even Draws His Sword Fully.
Volt’s Sword Clatters Out Of The Sheathe, And Hits The Floor.
Volt Screams In Pain: “ARRRGHHHAAA!!!”
Volt: “WHAT THE HELL?!!!”
Volt Then Smiles And Looks Towards A Pillar Behind The Man.
The Man Quickly Draws His Blade And Cuts A Nearby Assassin Who Was Behind The Pillar.
Man: “Say No More.”
The Man Sheathes His Blade Once More, And Volt Explodes.
The Man Slowly Walks Out Of The ThroneRoom.
As The Building Collapses Slowly Behind Him.
The End.
Y’all are fucking gay as shit making up these dumb 12 year old sequels
stfu nigga, let these weirdos have their fun in the comments
Really hope they make a sequel
I came