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What happened to our beautiful Imperial Japan
It’s nothing compared to what unit 731 and your other people did.
Maybe all those erotic fantasies you see in hentai have to do with the Japanese behavior in WWII though. So if you’re shocked, get shocked at what you guys did.
communist swines. It’s nothing compared to what your dear chairman Mao did to your own people. Fuck you and your communist propaganda! Fuck Xi Jin Ping! Go back to sucking your dear chairman’s limp dick! Fuck communists! Commie trash!
And fuck the western propagandist trying to rip the Great East apart! Those limp dick capatalist fags!
Communism is the byproduct of the west to divide us up! The west are the true rapists of the world. Just look at how many countries they’ve fucked over the century! No wonder why their dicks went limp!
As much as I’d love to say that this is just hentai, I’ve got a feeling that there are a lot of insecure men that this panders to.
I only noticed this hentai has sometimes touching music
It would be a lot nicer if she fuck completely nude with all of her clothes off and her shoes too. It would be nice if those guys ripped all of her clothes off completely.
26:46 Looks like she is losing her virginity and getting pregnant. XD
How the fuck is this human able to beat goddesses and demons in battle
Because the power of hentai? Lol
That Holy Knight is really hot ngl
What a Happy Ending! :)
It’s terrible
It’s disgusting
I hate myself
Although I’d hate to admit, you’re right.
stfu cocksucking nigger dumbasses bunch of pussy snowflakes on here to need to go jump off a cliff
You would think the knights could beat old men…
You know i like a little bit the first one all alone but its goddamn relative…..The gangbang one was worst goddamn they look like virgin pigs like the people watching in this site
Just like you then?
Well it would’ve been better as a harem than sharing all the main women with monsters kind of anime.
Personally I don’t mind rape n all but it would have been better if he would have all girls for himself than sharing her with others especially monsters damn it
Celestine lucullus is my waifu
She’s everybody’s wife
August 25
ima beat yo ass
Y’all didnt even settle the fight.
omfg. i fuckin hate rape. fuck suka blyat
FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK YEahhhhhhhhhhhh episode 5 confirmed this year
I think it’s more appropriate to say that it’s an alternate version of the series.
can’t confirm it but i saw in the dvd(?) cover picture that it looks like a new story but the same chara and yes, it’s probably still rape.
There’s even an episode 6, it’s pretty great out here