February 8, 2014

Hentai: Yama Hime No Hana

Genres: ,

1.59M 733


  • newman 10 years ago

    fapping so hard



  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    The dude deserved to get his girl stolen. I mean, who leaves town for YEARS without talking to their girlfriend about it first? I’d be more surprised if she waited for that selfish fucker.

    • Helel ben Shahar 8 years ago

      And yet she agreed to it when he told her about it.
      You should read manga before leaping to such conclusions.

  • Lil rob 10 years ago

    ending is sad, poor noaki. lied to by one girl and used by the other. thats fucked upwhen a hentai messes with your head and heart like that. you almost genuinly feel bad for him.

  • awwww I wanted to see part 2, oh well this was entertaining but I’m sure the guy will move on

  • slightly male 10 years ago

    gee that was depressing… it’s not the worst I’ve seen though… o.o but… that girl just soo reminds me of my partner’s ex-girlfriend… it’s kinda sad actually. It might be more interesting, if… i don’t know… the girl cheating caught her boyfriend being fucked by her ex-friend. That drama would be really interesting to watch. And in the end that ex-friend gets pregnant or something like that.
    Still… that hentai actually has kind of an interesting story. I’ve seen better, but also worse… but it didn’t really turn me on… but that just might be because that bitch remembered me of someone I know and because cheating-hentais aren’t really my thing. I watched it to the end at least, that means something.

  • slightly male 10 years ago

    there are no girls on the internet!

  • 8=======D 10 years ago

    fapping so hard to thiss

  • 8=======D 10 years ago

    fapping so hard to this

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Man that hurts badly

  • Naoki still hit it first

  • MikeHunt 10 years ago

    Damn…. That guy probably should check for aids

  • The One Called "The Guy" 10 years ago

    Look at all the heartbroken people in the comment section!

  • BlackDragon 10 years ago

    I love how everyone in the comments kind of hates the guy but not the girl. Yeah, the girl was mind broken, but she is the one who didn’t tell or get away. She obviously had parents. She is a WHORE. And he is a piece of shit.

  • BlackDragon 10 years ago

    Well, SLUT…I guess that forever is a lot shorter than I thought it was, you GODDAMN, LYING, BITCH ASS WHORE! “I’ll wait forever for you.” BULL SHIT. If forever is what you say it is, forever is about four fucking days, probably, BITCH! Hell, it would probably four FUCKING days you were fucking other guys!

  • Melpk 10 years ago

    depressing sht,

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    dude this is so sad man

  • White wolf 10 years ago

    You fucking bitch you said you would wait for me

  • Belphegor 10 years ago

    bitch, bastard

  • strange 10 years ago

    am i the only one who totally hits this kind of hentai but does get turned on like hell?

    i mean i have a really good time fapping to this instead of a nice love story…

    kind of a conflicted feeling haha

    • strange 10 years ago

      hits is hate sorry

    • BlackDragon 10 years ago

      I hate it, soo, FUCKING MUCH, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get a boner to it (I get aroused by…taboo I guess.) that means like incest, cheating, perversion and sometimes -SOMETIMES- rape. Most of the time I hate it though.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Like, it makes you sick to your stomach and your cock hard as hell? I can understand that perfectly

      • Helel ben Shahar 8 years ago

        Refer to the “I’m sickened but curious” meme.

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