February 8, 2014

Hentai: Yama Hime No Hana

Genres: ,

1.59M 733

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  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    So many baby ass vanilla lovers! If you hate ntr so much then why the fuck do you even bother watching it seriously!? When it comes to all that soft crap no one complains but as soon ntr arrives everyone becomes a emotional little bitch! Do you guys just like to comment on the comment section about how weak you are or something god this world is full of losers who can’t take one rejection from a girl without crying!

    • Cephei 10 years ago

      First of all, you can ignore people’s comments much like how you suggest to avoid the NTR-genre hentai. Furthermore, I’d prefer someone WATCH the video first rather than someone vent all of their opinions when they haven’t even seen it yet. Moreover, not everybody hates the genre NTR, that’s why it exists. It’s just that majority of people watching it prefer other genres. It’s not that they “shit” on the genre but because it’s normally looked down upon in society. You can’t expect someone to just accept cheating and proclaim “I love cheating on my lover!”. It’s similar to: “I love murdering :D”. Clearly, you don’t respect people’s opinions and so how would they respect yours if you don’t do the same to theirs. I don’t have problems with NTR, in fact, some of them are good. But I can’t say ALL of them are good because some of them are just not, at least to me. And cheating is not even rejection. Looking at it deeply, it’s accepting someone’s feelings and trampling on them.

      • Anonymous 10 years ago

        The video is about some wuss who left his bitch and when he finally comes back to see her she isn’t so happy. After they had sex the wuss asked the bitch to move into his home, bitch denied the offer and the wuss left. Later the neighbor tells the wuss of how much his bitch is a whore which he didn’t believe. She then decides to show the wuss bitch having sex with a badass who abused woman for his own selfish desires. He was was so shocked by the beautiful sight that the wuss stranded there like a little bitch while having pity sex from the neighbor. Hentai ends with the wuss not checking a message sent from his bitch because he knew if he checked it be over. Now tell me does it look like that I haven’t watched this hentai? Also I believe I have the right to hate on all these vanilla lovers sense all those fuck do is complain how terrible it is. They would say stuff like “this hentai killed my boner” or ” who was the asshole that made this.” All you fucks ever do is bitch on ntr and yes I know that I’m complaining as we’ll but at least I’m not some soft ass wussy bitch who can’t stand cheating or raping because you know what life’s a bitch and this shit happens! I can bitch some more if you want! is that what you want you piece of shit huh!? Just reply if you got the balls.

        • Cephei 10 years ago

          Clearly, you misunderstood what I was talking about. I never mentioned nor implied that “you” did not watch the video; I’m said I prefer people, that you keep calling “wussy bitch”, to watch the video first before expressing opinions instead of saying stupid remarks when they haven’t even seen it. I don’t need a summary because I watched it too. Secondly, it doesn’t matter if you hate these viewers; they still have the right to hate/love on something. You can’t force them to stop by insulting them. They DO have the right to complain much like you have the right to hate. People “can’t stand” these genres because it’s not to their preference. It’s that simple. I’m not complaining that you can “bitch some more”! Personally, I don’t give a shit; and it doesn’t even make sense to call them “weak” just because the genre is not to their liking. What are you eight years old? I’m only giving another perception, so that if you are a reasonable person (which it doesn’t seem so, disappointing), that you take into consideration and just ignore these “stupid complaints” on the comment section.

          • Anonymous 10 years ago

            Well played sir. Well my job is done it was nice wasting your time same for the readers :P

            • Cephei 10 years ago

              As long as I’ve convinced you, I will never consider it as a waste of time. :)

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Hey so your fine never having a relationship? And always having someone cheat on you cuz ya know yeah thats hot…..dumbass ntr

  • thats just rong

  • hentai whisper 10 years ago

    I am crying my eyes out but at the same time,I am masturbating.

    Don’t judge me

  • Girl? Just treat me like a Guy! 10 years ago

    God dam it now I’m depressed and my eyes are sweating you know what’s weird I wish they would make a hentai where the girl is like mahao they cheat and all that shit and the bf finds out but instead of the bf being broke up about it he goes out and continues fuking the chick and then mahao ends up becoming depressed they should make a hentai like that cause all these stupid fukin hentais are sexist and they assume that the guys ill always be depressed bout it well change it up u fuk heads!!! Great now I’m pissed

  • cumsohard 10 years ago

    I just came 3 times already….need to get out of this website

  • The end was sad
    I liked the brunette better though

  • hentai lover 10 years ago

    Fuck you freakin cheating omg i always find rape or tentacles well fuck them

  • Death 10 years ago

    I wonder if there will ever be a second episode, what do you guy’s thing?

    • Mr. Queer 10 years ago

      Reminds me of the anime school days but instead the guy is cheating on all the girls

  • hentai connoisseur 10 years ago

    As far as NTR goes, this one’s kinda wierd. In any case, I found the second girl far more appealing than the whore and was incredibly disappoint at the distinct lack of her

  • XxDantey460xX 10 years ago

    Yama Hime no Hana is one of those hentai that could’ve been a lot better if they had actually tried.

    The art in this one is confusing. On one hand, the faces of the females are great, on the other the males look terrible. On one hand again, the faces might look great, but the bodies look incredibly plastic and unappealing. Everything from the particular color used on the skin and nipples, to the overall colors used in the anime itself… it’s not too appealing to behold, let’s put it that way. It’s like something that crawled out of the bad anime of the 90s in terms of the lack of contrast and the over-use of saturation.
    Beyond that it’s just badly drawn in more than some cases, particularly if we’re referring to being anatomically correct. You’ll see the female lead lying on her chest and her boobs will be balloons, literally. It’s quite dreadful.
    The animation is a bit sub par, but far better than the art I’d say. It can be a bit repetitive at times but you never feel like you’re watching a still image or a really disjointed slide-show.

    As for the story, well, I guess it’s not terrible if we consider that it is after all — hentai. It’s not a master-piece orchestrated to turn your dick into a diamond, but it has its merits here and there: it has flashbacks and does a pretty good job of defining the lead’s relationship to his girlfriend, and the circumstances under which he finds out she’s cheating on him are fun.

    The sound is nothing to write home about either. If there was any music, I don’t think I ever noticed it: ghost tracks. The voice acting is okay, though. The tone and the delivery fit the part of each individual character, I’d say, and the female voices in particular are quite pleasant to listen to.

    As far as NTR goes it’s definitely worth a watch, maybe even a re-watch. If you’re not into NTR, eh, there’s probably better hentai you could be watching as far as all the aforementioned points are concerned.

    • Hot older guy with huge cock 10 years ago

      What the actual fuck. You arnt supposed to come here to anilyze it your here to fap so stfu and get on with it.

    • Monkey D. Horny 10 years ago

      WTF dude, just fap. Who would even read this shit…

  • Whats 10 years ago

    The name of the song in the end?

    Shes still a cheeeeap hooker.

  • black_suaske 10 years ago

    Does anyone know which episodes arent edited

  • Hi I am a girl 10 years ago

    this is so dame depressing but the sex is good

  • Anonymous 10 years ago


  • -_____- 10 years ago


  • TOMODOSHI 10 years ago

    i come back to this website and i see this…..i will now consider suicide my friends girl cheated on him….there is no love in this world…..you make me cry….

    • -___________________- 10 years ago

      no my friend, there is DEFINITELY ALWAYS LOVE in this world, but not this whore (she should die), you just gotta find the right person, not a whore bitch nigga like that bitch. FUCK DAT BITCH

    • Smart Guy 10 years ago

      Here the solution:

      1- Tell you friend to fuck that bitch.
      2- If he can’t, try yourself.
      3- If you can’t, fuck your friend.

      So easy dude, relax pls.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Good. Now go kill yourself.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Stop being such a bitch and move on! I swear people are becoming so soft nowadays.

  • dexter 10 years ago

    This is shit

  • Shall i go rape and kill the bitch for ya? I would really like to. SHE MUST DIE! LET GO OF ME! IMMA MAKE YOU SUFFER! LET ME GO GOD DAMN IT! (Get’s dragged away) NOOOOO SHE MUST DIE! FUCK YOU!!!!!BITCH!

  • Downs 10 years ago

    Idk but this turned me off cause i felt bad about the cheating part

  • Learrrrrn 10 years ago

    it should have ended like DyE fantasy but to maho and the sempai

    • Sebastian 10 years ago

      was a two pump chump after a full day of teasing she thghuot it would be funny to brush up against me every 5 mins for like 2 hours and when we finally got to the bed room getting undressed took longer then the sex did

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