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[NOW HD, and subbed after credits!] Bookmark us for more of these new releases, subbed on day 1! [lol]Majo Wa Kekkyoku Sono Kyaku To The Animation 2 Subbed[/lol]
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118.80K 4 19
We're the only site with this Uncensored and subbed! Bookmark us for the full series, 100% UNCENSORED! [lul]Amai Choubatsu Watashi Wa Kanshu Senyou Pet Uncensored 1 Subbed[/lul]
Man Verry Satisfying Story
Why does he have to commit suicide also? He might have finished his goal in revenge but that doesnt mean that his life is finished also he should have lived a longer life to show his older sis that she can rest peacefully now that he got revenge for what pushed her to commit suicide.
Maybe because getting revenge isn’t all that nice and stuff?
Sarap magjakol
Putting my screen name aside, something like this isn’t exactly comfortable to watch. Maybe I’m just sadistic, but penectomy and castration with that knife would have been satisfying in this scenario.
اللي بالنهاية كان يقدر ينيكهم كلهم بس انه حمار ضيع الفرصة
Despite the sad ending. I liked it. But just imagine if they were still being ravaged while passed out.
what a sad ending ireally like this killing but its sad in the end
if I was in this before he would have got a chance to slit his own throat I would have kicked the knife out of his hand and punch him in his face and I just would have told him that you don’t have to kill yourself I called the police they’ll be here shortly Take The Girl With You and come me and I’ll get you somewhere safe and the cops won’t look for you there and you can live happily together
Despite being regularly raped, Raika seems a bit too eager trying to get a boyfriend and has no issues sleeping with him.
God you are right this is sad
I just couldnt… althroughout this hentai i just wanted to see the revenge… i enjoyed that so much but damn… this was not at all making me horny. this was sad as fuck
this was horrible
They better make a third or I’m going to be pissed the ending was good but he better not die those two Belong Together I’m glad those other assholes died though they deserved every inch of pain they got although it will be never enough for their sins
That nurse teacher was hot
the red or pink haired girl with the glasses is hot
the girl with the glasses is hot she need more screentime and deepthroats :)
the girls with the glasses need more screentime
On a side note, I actually understand why Hiragi killed himself, though it’s still stupid. He commited suicide because he could’ve stopped the rapes sooner, but he wasn’t sure who were he criminals from the begining. He couldn’t live with the thought of the girls being raped,knowing he could’ve avoided that, so he slit his own throat.
According to my calculations… all those assholes had it coming. Ok, I would have sow them in half with a rusty chainsaw at the lowest power while they are being hanged from their legs. And then I would’ve droped their bodes in a mixture of sulphuric gas and nitric acid. Only then, I’d feed the remains to the stray dogs. Oh, and I can also use their head as Halloween bags, after I will empty them of course of all the organs and other crap that resides in there. All of them for science, of course.
Only then… I will be satisfied with this movie.