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damn cannot unsee
Is there a way to report this? Like this is obviously illegal shit so how would I report it?
not illegal you dumbass hentai all hentai as long as it isn’t based off real kids is perfectly legal geez learn something before you sound dumb.
My dick was limped until the school nurse part, but then became limp again when she turned back to normal again…This EP is one of the worst of the worse. Cheese Pizza and rape is definitely a nono.
Shoujo Ramune next?
Is this actual pedophilia? That little spirit has to be 12 or 13 judging by the school she was violated in. In Japan, wooden desks and tables or normally for Middle School students.
Yes, yes it and we don’t question it we just fap
You are fucking pedophilia man
And tell to 170,920 people who watched this
Don’t bust that nut just yet I’m with dateline NBC
hard to say but that was definately a middle school. not elementary. as for age. well shes a ghost so she could be 13 she could be 300. i mean shes dead long enough for them to remodel the school so shes difinately not a little girl anymore. then the fact she gold older and older till she reverted back again. sooooo
Yeah,l like little girls
Oh yeah
The name says it all
Yeah no shit
I tell you what I’d tap that sweet young ass.
You all are being watched
We’re watching you
My son loves watching this
im going to jail
All of you under arrest
Well, shit
This shit is illegal btw
Yeah, fictional characters are illegal
not really illegal. for one the girl isnt real at all. for two they showed her changing ages threwout the episode so you obviously only watched the first like 9 minutes then call it illegal when she clearly turns to a age older than the boy himself. shes also DEAD so she is not the age she appears as. the only thing remotely illegal would be the beginning. and that was just to add some sort of plot instead of starting her off as a ghost immediately.and then the fact its unlikely anyone here would do such an act. and illegalizing it goes against the freedom of expression for artists. if you dont like it dont watch it simple as that so just shut the fuck up. personally i found the start sick, but i enjoyed watching her age and grow more dominant before she turned back.
No it’s not you dumb bastard if it was you would be in jail along with the rest of us. the truth is that your past is logged whether you think so or not but so many people look at this kind of stuff it’s unreal. the FBI doesn’t have time to waste on Petty cases of fake child porn it’s hentai it’s made for fetish reasons I’ve come to realize that. The real reason why they don’t have nice consensual stories is because it’s all for fetishes. which also explains Japan’s declining birth rate it seems that Japanese people think everything has to be fetishist to be sexy but no the FBI does keep track. And clearing your history doesn’t work so guess what it doesn’t really matter how many times you clear your history they can keep track. Haven’t you ever wondered why if you clear your internet search history on your phone it’s still on your computer? In short if you don’t like it go the fuck away do what I do if you see rape in the tag leave. I was curious about this one because of the supernatural element.
Yeah it’s pretty fucked up innit
He taste the pussy man
what in pedophilia
I love the ending song :3
LOL ….. Loli and Ghost
*^* Hopeless
You fucking pedophila
You mean pedophile idiota
what the fuck
This is so fked up. My erection is ded
And so is your spelling seems to be pretty fucked up. skip the first part Jesus Christ you guys know nothing does mommy need to hold your hand?