March 20, 2013

Hentai: Shion

Genres: , ,

1.03M 440


  • Lolers123 10 years ago

    NOOOOOOOO fuck why does she have to DIE fuck you im gonna slash that bitch in to pieces and i will feed it to the sharks and im gonna remove all your loves ones one by one for shion

  • Hiroki 10 years ago


  • the great tentacle 10 years ago

    And from me a BIG FUCK U TO LILITH

  • hentaiaddict205 10 years ago

    omg when this hentai got a vn i wanna know whats gonna happen after that. :=( waaaaaaaaaaa

  • The laundryman 10 years ago

    ……. Omg I’m actually crying….. Why? Why such a sad ending?

  • BuyMeSomeTissues 10 years ago

    Holy tits… I cried for an hour. Used all of my tissues, plus 2 more boxes. ……WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still crying. On the floor. Need to go to Meijer or something and buy more tissues…

  • DennaLannister 10 years ago

    -lays on the floor, tries not to cry……cries a lot-

  • Well, it’s a weird thing thing that i was searching for some good hentai and that i finally ended watching this like a normal anime.

    I feel a bit sad that Shion died anyway.

  • Levitra.f 10 years ago

    Hallo :-)

    Alles Gute und auf hoffentlich gute espraeche

  • Tentacles 10 years ago


  • Death Crow 10 years ago

    Nice romane but seriously? You killed the chick make her come back or some shit

  • DUHFUQ 10 years ago

    Wat in the fuck was that? Jus when the ending was going perfect… They fkin fked it up by killing shion… U can’t end a series like that… We need another damn episode..

  • random line 10 years ago

    I meant shion

  • random line 10 years ago

    This entire Shimon series was a mind fuck

  • Kill U 10 years ago

    Yay! The bitches are always getting for it!

  • Fujioka-mimiko-chan 10 years ago

    Where can i watch that episode on a a beach after this? Any one knows??

  • LoveringHentai 10 years ago

    Man, I can’t believe the ending almost made me shed a tear. Can someone send me the link with the bonus episode?

  • PercyxZoe4life 10 years ago

    This was so good I forgot it was hentai

  • Hyoodou Issei 10 years ago

    So much bad memories…

  • Rage quitter 10 years ago

    what the FUUUUUUUCKKKKKK! thats it? BULLSHIT, I demand another episode. the creators of this show a fucking assholes. end ofstory

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