March 20, 2013

Hentai: Shion

Genres: , ,

1.03M 440


  • kool-aide 11 years ago

    Tonight, manly tears were shed

  • Woowness 11 years ago

    That’s messed up

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Dam the ending’s so facked up

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Fuck this ending it sucks

  • whatever 11 years ago

    EVERYBODY THERE IS A 3 MINUTE SPECIAL!!!!! That special is also nice because in one scene the sensei tells Shion “who do you think saved your life”.

  • nyanneko 11 years ago

    the ending made me cry~~~

  • "That Guy" 11 years ago

    This would make a great anime without the ecchi. improve the storyline a bit, and done.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Fuck this ending.

  • Bn331 11 years ago

    Wtf this ending is so sad I almost cried :(

  • The laundryman 11 years ago

    *tears* this one made me cry a little…..

  • MrIToldYouSo 11 years ago

    Her tits are bigger than her head lol

  • Guys look up “immorality”

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Wad a sad ending

  • I guess that’d be shocking

  • i feel trolled 11 years ago

    why does hentai always seem to end with a sad ending?

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    It keeps going with episode 5.

  • Never have I cried to watching a hentai. Kudos for making me have feels.

  • ( T - T ) 11 years ago

    This series was so good. Except for the tentacle porn parts those were disgusting.
    I am proud of this. Heads up to anyone reading this don’t watch I can, it’s fucking terrible.

  • anonymous 11 years ago

    i cried at the end when it was showing the credits and how she was like ” the mear fact that i loved you is proff i was with u and im sorry that i cant be with u anymore” like are you trying to make me dye from that sad shit but the ending was amazing aand also i knew what was going to happen it was just when her self concous was speaking

  • Haha that was predictable… Didnt know who but i knew as soon as she made her wish…. Bittersweet ending but not as sad as clannad

    • Don’t mention clannad in a porn site please and yea it’s wasn’t as sad but still pretty sad

      • This Guy 11 years ago

        Hentai has nothing on Clannad. Clannad and hentai are two polar subjects that should never be intertwind with hentai.

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