March 20, 2013

Hentai: Shion

Genres: , ,

1.03M 440


  • jiraya 9 years ago


  • Wtf void

  • HentaiGirl 9 years ago

    I love it so badly. I’ll cum and cum again.

  • Im Back And I Change My Mine No War

  • Bad Ending ;_; *Evil voice* Now Im Going To Start A War

    • Rio kastle 9 years ago

      Tobi come on ok she is still alive ok no more war

  • Fuck the stupid mother fucking ENDING!! God!

  • Are you guys retarded? Of course she’s not dead. Even if she is, the mighty cock of the protagonist will resurrect his lost waifu. Get over yourselves. Don’t let tacky, cliched, overly-abused deadhorse of a “Bad ending twist” get the better of ye, ye buncha plebs.

    Heck, even if she does die — why give a damn? He can just let at it at her corpse.

  • hiroki 9 years ago

    I shall kill that mother fucker for nee-chan

    Ending made me cry a bit dam This Is up there with some of the most sad hentai endings I have seen

  • Bahadır 9 years ago

    What the Fuck ? İt’s just a hentai show ! Why do they make so dramaticly ending ? My whole joy gone.

  • AnnieLeonhardtsButt 9 years ago

    The ending……
    I was enjoyng the whole episode until THE FUCKING ENDING.
    I’m literally into tears ;;__;;;;;;

    • Anonymous 9 years ago

      Don’t worry man apparently there’s an alternative ending one where shion doesn’t die. I haven’t watched it myself but I’ve seen the episode available on other sites.

  • FUCK RAPE!!!! 9 years ago

    SHION!!!!!!! SHE GOT KILLED! FUUUUU THAT was the most fucked up ending to an awsome episode!!!!

    • Keaghan 9 years ago

      How many times must I tell people, she’s still alive!

  • Cock fucker3 9 years ago

    By one up for some sexy role play;D

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    M 13

  • ...... 9 years ago


  • hentaifan 9 years ago

    Started watching for the porn, stayed for the plot. FUCK YOU INFINITY

  • TheWorldEnded 9 years ago

    When shion died I died. I have a feeling we all died.

    • AnnieLeonhardtsButt 9 years ago

      I died in the inside … A lot ;_;
      Other than that it was a pretty good hentai/action anime ^_^

    • Anonymous 9 years ago

      True dat

  • Fuck me hard

  • HeyItsABlackGuy 10 years ago

    Wait so you have sex of the things that caused your friend to die? Weird xD

  • person 10 years ago

    wWothat ending I hope infinity dies like the bitch he is

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