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[lol]Shiiba-San No Ura No Kao With Imouto Lip 1 Subbed[/lol]
It’s funny people complain when it’s a girl. Look at Monmusu Quest, the little boy is also raped by many and no one complain in fact everyone enjoyed it which is fked up. Shows how fked up justice are in this world. But still, it’s just hentai, it not meant to be complained.
It’s wrong in the both.
tomokazu sugita
Fucked up shit
Fucking hell!!! Why is it raped and forced. Little girls are you serious please don’t do this kind of video it is abuse.
What is wrong with people how can someone masturbate to this it’s just fucked whether it’s fake or not rape is just disgusting
When I watched the first minute of the hentai I was saying “please don’t be a rape.”
Hey… Is that thing she brewed… Meth?
To be honest I cannot jack off to this all it made me feel was sadness for her
Same here
I should have known Rune’s Pharmacy would have gotten an OVA. She is really cute with a damn good body and there’s even boob toys of her on the market
Would have loved the pig to do it, not the guys
Does anyone know how to.access my likes on here?
Hola, supongo que nadie recuerda de mi o mi nombre, bueno soy uno de esos hombres que estaban luchando contra la adiccion a la pornografia y hentai desde hace ya una decada. Hace 5 años habia logrado recuperarme, pero cai nuevamente, con el tiempo empece a encerrarme en mi habitacion, encadenado a la pantalla de mi computadora viendo pornografia y hentai sin control, perdi muchos buenos amigos, tuve mi primera novia pero solo duro una semana porque no dejaba pensar de estar en la computadora mirando videos eroticos, hasta que perdi la comunicacion con mi familia y me veian raro, pase la navidad solo en mi habitacion, logre terminar la secundaria a tiempo pero me cuesta conseguir trabajo debido a mi debilidad por falta de seguir mirando videos pornograficos. Sin embargo, este año mi vida comenzo a recuperar porque he despertado, logre comprender que la pornografia fue quien me estaba controlando y me mantenia encadenado a la pantalla, pero mas alla que eso eran los dueños de las empresas pornografica y hentai a nivel mundial, eran dueños que querian esclavizar a las personas enviando videos a traves de Tv y computadoras para destruir inteligecia y moral, sobre todo el amor dentro de los corazones que poseemos en cada uno, estos dueños no le importan si sucede algo a los espectadores, solo quieren llevarse dinero vendiendo peliculas eroticas fuertes todo el mundo, como conoci el lado oscuro de la pornografia decidi prepararme para luchar contra la poderosa adiccion y convencido a cambiar el rumbo de mi vida, ya que estoy avanzando mi edad cada vez mas adulto y que algun dia tendre un buen trabajo, una casa, un vehiculo y una gran familia sana.
No digo que ustedes dejen de ver la pornografia y el hentai, a muchos le gustan verlas y tienen muchos buenos beneficios para la salud y el aprendizaje, pero mas alla que eso puede ser dañina totalmente para nuestra mente y nuestra vida.
Yo ahora me siento muy fuerte y estoy a un paso para saltar mi vida hacia el futuro, y la pornografia-hentai caera sola frente a mi, debido a mi abrumadora arma de autodefensam el orgullo.
Gracias por tomar unos minutos de leer esta nota, se que fue largo y aburrido, pero vale pena.
Hello, I guess nobody remembers me or my name, well I am one of those men who were fighting against the addiction to pornography and hentai since a decade ago. 5 years ago I had managed to recover, but I fell again, with time I started to lock myself in my room, chained to the screen of my computer watching pornography and hentai without control, I lost many good friends, I had my first girlfriend but it only lasted a week because I did not stop thinking about being on the computer watching erotic videos, until I lost communication with my family and they saw me weird, spend Christmas alone in my room, I managed to finish high school on time but I find it hard to get work due to my weakness for lack to keep watching pornographic videos. However, this year my life began to recover because I woke up, I managed to understand that pornography was the one that was controlling me and kept me chained to the screen, but beyond that were the owners of the pornographic and hentai companies worldwide, They were owners who wanted to enslave people by sending videos through TV and computers to destroy intelligence and morals, especially love within the hearts that we have in each one, these owners do not care if something happens to the spectators, they just want take money selling strong erotic movies all over the world, as I knew the dark side of pornography I decided to prepare myself to fight against the powerful addiction and convinced to change the course of my life, since I am advancing my age more and more adult and that some day I will have a good job, a house, a vehicle and a big healthy family.
I do not say that you stop seeing pornography and hentai, many like to see them and have many good benefits for health and learning, but beyond that it can be totally harmful to our mind and our life.
I now feel very strong and I am one step away from jumping my life towards the future, and the pornography-hentai will fall alone in front of me, due to my overwhelming self-defense weapon, pride.
Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this note, I know it was long and boring, but it’s worth it.
Thanks man. This is something I’ve been struggling with for 10 years. It’s just so hard to quit sometimes. I hope I could stop one day.
I’m not sure if I have it. I watch porn and hentai(mostly hentai, sometimes read it) everyday. The thing that might separate me from the rest is that I have a very specific tastes when it comes to this. If the story, the style, the animation, the quality, and the voice acting isn’t fit to my requirements. I don’t read it. This has made me just skim through the tags that I like everyday, seeing what’s new.
Trust me, I can enjoy even the nastiest of things as long as the quality is good bu there are still some things I wouldn’t watch
It is enormously difficult to leave an addiction if it has been a long time, but over time if your mind has matured and entered into consciousness and reason awakening your enslaved heart you will succeed in defeating your worst enemy, you have to keep going and keep your mind busy with your goals or work, in my case I’m gaining more and more because I’m moving towards the future becoming a strong man with a proud heart, and over time pornography-hentai will fall alone.
And I hope you stop smoking slowly, not in an instant, remember that the addiction to pornography and cigarettes are extremely harmful to health.
Everyone has their own taste and their own world of doing things in their lives, I am not prohibiting anything, I want to tell my experience and help others affected by addiction, it is difficult to know and pornography or hentai is affecting your health because He has already manipulated and messed up the minds of men, and he is taken for fools by the owners of the companies.
At first I liked watching erotic videos but ten years later I realized that I was doing damage and decided to leave it.
its fine. everything needs moderation. too much of almost anything isn’t good for you. I think we all know deep down these videos can slowly kill someone’s perspective of morals. the best thing to do is remind yourself that this isn’t real and they are just drawings. im not going to stop watching porn but i always make time for other things in life. porn is only 1% of my life.
So that pig thing can stretch her vagina to hell and back, and yet she cries that it hurts when that dude later is raping her. Yeah no.
Merry XMAS yall
Shalban sounds like Gin-san to be honest.
hahahaha yes
ikr. it literally sounds like sugita tomokazu!
The thing is with hentai, they are so damn stupid. Like, just run?!! Bro there is nothing but grass and you trip over?
I feel like I’ve played this game before..
All person below me is a sick pedophile
I mean she has tits, so at least she’s hit puberty
FBI is at the front door… my life’s over…