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  • Kosciusko the Great 8 years ago

    Anna, unfortunately sold her soul for her desire. Why are there so many morons, that’s promiscuity, masturbation and worse.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    What an end!

  • Guys prvrt 8 years ago

    Pervert in japanese is hentai hahahaha fk its real

  • RangerGuy627 8 years ago

    Im just commenting…. joking i luvvit

  • Fuck You 9 years ago

    What a shit ending. Fuck whoever made this.

    • Anonlolz 8 years ago

      Oh pkease, this isn’t the end, there’s 2 more episodes in a crossover series and they’re a lot worse than this one lol
      But I gotta hand it to the artist, cute characters. The black haired girl has a special kind of stupidity, too. I like it.

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    what is the ending song?

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    what is the ending sons?

  • Why did I watch this 9 years ago

    What a wonderful ending. Definately in my top 5

  • *cries* hahaha

  • Right ?

  • I’m better than Onee-chan right ?

  • Look at me everyone !

    • Nigger 8 years ago

      stfu Anna. If your here, my cock’s not getting a blowjob from you.

  • Hehe

  • I’m better than Onee-chan !!!

  • I’m so happy ^_^

  • :'(

  • Snowmarine 9 years ago

    Operation carbon:
    Main objective:save all hostages
    Secondary objective:kill all men and
    Woman who resist

    Swat strike team inbound to objective point
    IFV’s ready to secure location
    Helicopters, drop strike teams on the roof
    team 2 secure back door
    team 3 secure main entrance
    Team 4 & 5 get ready to secure a high value target
    Team 6 search and kill all enemies

    Omega division, out.

  • itot pa more 9 years ago

    fuck me too pls..

  • Not a triflin bitch 9 years ago

    Bunch of triflin bitches up in the comments.

  • i came here to fap now i dont know what to feel

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