18.39K 8


  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    Anyone know the title of the uncensored video after this video?

    • Anonymous 1 month ago

      Uncensored 5*

      • Amongus 1 month ago

        Unfortunately that’s not a hentai series. That’s from an ecchi anime

        • Anonymous 1 month ago

          Isn’t that the scummiest thing ever? Hey, check out this uncensored hentai! Ohhh just kidding, enjoy the redirect to another page, so we can make a few sheckles off your dumbasd. We aren’t even gonna tell you what the source of the clip is from that were using to trick you. Like, I get sites gotta make their revenue, but really, have some shame, it’s just pathetic. Have ads, do what you have too, but don’t trick people.

  • Ryushi 1 month ago

    Admin I ran into a severe issue, while I was interviewing new employees and working on client requests I somehow ended up losing the data for the translation, so i’m back to square 1, gonna have to start over from the start, I will try to put some time aside so I can just rush through it and get it done in a 6 hour time frame

    • admin 1 month ago

      It happens, happened to me before now I just save every 10 min lol

      • Ryushi 1 month ago

        Side note, Softgarage(Pink Pineapple) DMCA’d the Tsuyo Tsuyo uploads, I haven’t checked the other site but I assume it’s the same

        • admin 1 month ago

          I finally finished the big tits office lady, took quite a while so I can imagine how long it took to translate! I’ll put it up soon! And if you could for timings, put the subs a bit earlier than the on screen text, yours were about 0.5 second after on screen shows up, not sure if it was resynced though, thank you.