May 16, 2024

Hentai: Marriage Blue

Genres: , ,

1.44M 219


  • pure hearted guy 9 years ago

    I like rapist getting killed

    • I like rapist getting killed 9 years ago

      I agree fuck rapist uggg

    • i100%HATECheating!!!! 9 years ago

      Bro we think the same! Hope that bitch and rapist burn in HELL!!!

  • (Grossed out) 9 years ago


  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I don’t understand this shit.
    I’ve wait so long for sex after marriage.
    This guy comes along tries to sleep with me.
    I would go to jail for murder the first night!

  • Ioeta 9 years ago

    I never understand why they apologize. ‘I’m sorry I’m cheating on you’ as they moan and basically worship the dick they’re pushing themselves onto. Cheats. ‘I’m sorry’ the next day, goes willingly back to cheat some more. ‘I’m sorry’ . Sorry doesn’t solve problems. It’s just an excuse.

    • edgar 3 months ago

      i agree with you loeta always saying sorry this sorry that fuck your apologizing excuse your just doing that to hurt the one you love like this cunt of a whore who thinks shes loyal to her husband but chose to be with the best man raping her hell awaits them for good

  • horny guy 9 years ago

    If ur horny lets have sex girls ;)

  • DropTheBass 9 years ago

    I don’t understand why 80 percent of hentai is mostly rape. I personally can’t get off to this and it kinda disturbs me. once it tends to get rapey i skim through to see if the rapist gets what is coming to him. I’ve only watched 1 where I was happy at the end because all the rapists were killed.

    • Ioeta 9 years ago

      Then you won’t like one where the girl gets raped, then cheats on the guy multiple times, then the guy sees and is seen walking into a club. The girl sees, then goes to her neighbor, then divorces him. I mean seriously. She got raped. Excused. She cheated SO MANY TIMES. NO. He did it once. AFTER she cheated on him 20x. Then SHE divorces HIM for cheating on HER. WTF

      • edgar 3 months ago

        i know what you are talking about loeta i still love my wife yeah she gets blackmailed by using the urinal by that ugly shitmade apartment owner drug up with pills and then she gets gangbanged with her sister and the other wife then she have sex with the apartment owner and then the delivery guy sees her in a cum mess she have sex with him through day and he beats the shit out of the ugly shithead her name is nanami and shuuichi comes home early because its there wedding annaversity and when her husband walks in he sees her clothes cover in cum while the delivery guy has sex with her the third one is just plane stupid should have reverse it where hubby divorce wife

  • BlackDragon 10 years ago

    In no way shape or form is it the guy’s fault. She didn’t want sex til after marriage. Then she goes and gets fucked by another guy. Okay, you were drunk. Understandable. He messages you, YOU GO. WTF?!!! You basically asked for it. You wanted to cheat if you went knowing he could fuck you again. Girl’s fault for cheating, guy’s fault for RAPING THE GIRL HE LIKES. ‘Hey I like you’ RAPE. That’ts not how it works. Assholes and bitches

    • hentailovinvirgin 9 years ago

      I totally agree with you. And what kind of husband doesn’t has sex with their to-be-wife?

  • BlackDragon 10 years ago

    In no way shape or form is it thr guy’s fault. She didnmt want sex til after marriage. Then she gies and gets fucked by another guy. Okay, you were drunk. Understandable. He messages you, YOU GO. WTF?!!! You basically asked for it. You wanted to cheat if you went knowing he could fuck you again. Girl’s fault for cheating, guy’s fault for RAPING THE GIRL HE LIKES. ‘Hey I like you’ RAPE. That’ts not how it works. Assholes and bitches

  • True.... 10 years ago

    His hubby didnt even do some fucking with her yet

    Japanese these days -.-

  • Say Whut 10 years ago

    is NTR means?

  • DarkGold 10 years ago

    Get Hatchet

    Go to them

    Cut head

    Slice Dick

    Bitch Slap girl

  • Sweep 10 years ago


  • This is SHit. 10 years ago

    I wish her ass got caught! KNows how it fucking feels to lose something.

  • House 10 years ago

    I really hate this girl

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Nah it’s the cocky dickweed who’s really to blame here.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    This is disgusting I hate cheating more than anything.

  • Damn the girls hot but i hate the plot and cheating shit

  • Ms. Anonymous 10 years ago

    Reading the comments.

  • Mr. Common Sense 10 years ago

    why the hell people Common-sense missing!? this is cheating not reaping if a respected girl don’t like someone.. even if its being pushy a guy even in sex, “if by means no its hell no!!!!!” unless the girls is nothing but a hypocrite.

    • waiting for the end.. 10 years ago

      its depressing that’s why its marriage Blue…the creator sure know how to depress people; the sadist part people who love cheating is happy about this…sure its hot and make me turn on but it conflicting by sadness, guilt, sins.
      after reading some comments i saw this and he nailed it

      By Madmon 1 year ago

      Dang, thanks for that warning. It’s such a pity though, NTR and Otome have such good graphics, among the best in hentai that I’ve seen but they are all about rape, cheatin and fucking fat people

    • sacred 10 years ago

      just a warning don’t watch triangle blue you’ll be completely annoyed by the husband and the plot.So fucking stupid.

  • Alexander The Great 10 years ago

    i hope gays fuck that guy for good…

  • SejioRapeQueen 10 years ago

    Oh well I absolutely adore this.c:

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