2.55M 338


  • SomewhatRegularGuy 10 years ago

    Yeah, talking about the smell of his penis really helps me maintain my erection… *sarcasm* :3

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Anyone wants to fuck?

  • the batman 10 years ago

    i am the batman

  • A slut like that wont get a baby in her stomich

  • Im 13 yr old girl but 4 sum reason i like this

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    whats up with all the little kids lol im 17. didnt even watch it yet, these comments are keeping me entertained

  • George Washington 10 years ago

    This contains Anal

  • The people commenting on this site are awesome! keep at it YOU PERVERTED LUNATICS

    • fuk does that mean???? 10 years ago

      excuse me? what does that make you??? if you can’t take the heat GTFO.

  • vanessa 10 years ago

    Im a female.. and i watch this?

  • Pfft, If only there actually was females who were watching this

  • no fake 10 years ago

    I am a 7 year old tree and i want to become a walrus, I know there are 4 million people who want to be a walrus but my family works in a potato factory in narnia. I watch hentai erryday so my wood break from massturbateing. One day i will be teh best wulrus on wolrd. Sory for bed inglish butt my parents fron mexiko

  • DutchFeller 10 years ago

    The comments on this site man :D hahaha

  • What the fuck is wrong half of u don’t watch porn when your a kid I mean what the fuck

  • LordOfTheDark 10 years ago

    Ooohh you don’t want to be raped ^,^

  • what the fuck can we just jack the fuck off and go

  • Not true my friend said he caught his 10 year old brother watching porn

  • Ilightmyhomeworkonfire 10 years ago

    I am 11. That is my real age and this was hot as fuck. I have a rape fetish and I’m female.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I’m a 4 year old prince from nigeria, this is hot.

  • Myeolchi 10 years ago

    While we’re at it, I’m a seventeen years old french girl. But I could be lying and who gives a fuck anyway.

  • abcdefgHI 10 years ago

    I’m not even born yet… What is this?

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