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Every girl/woman said that rape is terrible, but when its happend to there self, there gonna love it, because its the natural order, this woman have a wonderfull life from this time on.
Trust me, i was 15 when i get raped by my father, brothers and uncles, since this time i’m free and enjoy my life with many different guys and boys because thats my natural order in the nature.
Dude are you fucking insane, pretend to be a real girl to justify a fucking rape? Seriously?
I’m pretty sure that a lot of girls/womans like it to get raped, not everybody, but some of them like it.
No they don’t faggot, rape literally means they don’t want sex dumbass
Why is there a war going on in the comments
Cdawg could have fixed this hentai
What a happy ending!
This isn’t manga so there’s no curse.
Stfu 14 yo kids
rape is terrible even in hentai. that shit is for perverted losers
And then here you are watching it
I dont like it for the porn, i like it because thats the way womans have to life, this is what they’re deserve, nothing more.
Womans have so live for her MENS, they are just objects to fuck, cock and Clean.
And if they wont, just rape then, its ok, because its natural.
There are just some people in this world who are creepy worthless evil pieces of shit like this person.
That’s why you stay strong, armed and ready, and keep your loved ones close against vile human scum like this. They’ll attack and violate your right to be free from violence, aggression, abuse, harassment, tyranny, force, persecution and annihilation.
This punk will get what’s coming to him and it won’t be pretty. Whether it’s here on earth or in the afterlife. His ass is gonna be screaming and crying for letting his demons win. And that torment won’t be anyone else’s fault but his own. He made his choices and he fucked up.
Your not a man. Your a monster. Because a real man respects and protects his women, family, and his people from monsters like you. Such a waste of human blood. Pathetic.
Shut the fuck up!
HE’s right, womans are just rape-objects and i wish that you are Olga in this awesome hentai!
God of this are you and i’m one of these guys, i will fuck you in your ass till you bleed and be broken like them and scream: YES DADDY, MORE!! FUCK MY STUPID ASS I’M A BITCH!!
Every woman must be raped like them,
How Bigappledick said: its natural,,,
You have issues man
Delusional fuck
Wow never thought I’d find something wise being said here. lol I was just cruising through the site but this is truth. That other idiot is wrong. A real despicable piece of shit. Needs his ass kicked and a bullet to the head
Go to Pornhub. They have the nicest comments out there. Hentaigasm is just toxic as fuck sadly.
more like a rapist sexist psychotic perverted bastard
Boo and hoo,
He’s not wrong with everthing,
Just a reminder, why are you watching this if you won’t jerk of this fantastic rape scene?
Just because ppl jerk off to this doesn’t mean they condone that shitty mindset
People come here to bust one then move on, doesn’t mean you have to go on a cringey ass tangent after it preaching the ideals from a hentai animation
How retarded can you inbreds be
LOL, i want that too, both of them,
I like it to get gangbanged, this looks funny!!
I fingered myself for 12 Times and i love the sperm explosions, i laugh everytime I’m watching this.
I know what you mean,
My boyfriend fucked my ass when we watched it for the first time and i feelt the shot in my ass,
After i licked all out my own ass he screamt: Clean my dick!
The second shot in my mouth give me the rest, it was amazing and every time i watch this piece of heaven, i fingered my pussy and ass!
Hope every woman can have this feeling to someday!!
this sexist rapist scumbag targets women who are easy prey. doesn’t like family’s, doesn’t like it when the father or male protector is around, and doesn’t like it when females can defend themselves with guns
I’m so horny right know,
I want that 12 niggers break my milky white pussy and ass!
The funny thing is, that WE can be everybody in the world, maybe a guy from japan or russia, a teen from europe, your brother, teacher, a Cop. So go to sleep and one day, we found you and than you are Olga!
What’s wrong with you dude, is it so hard just to get yourself off like a normal person without spewing some weird bullshit.
someday you will be olga and than we have fun together,
go to school or work, we can wait,
Get therapy, or kys. Do everyone a favour and erase yourself from society you lonely pathetic fuck
And then we see you on this site lol get a life and stop lecturing people
now excuse me I’m gunna bust a nut
Kys or I hope you get raped until your ass explode and you die
Rape is the best genre! Nothing else is more natural then our instincts of wanting to procreate in anyway possible.
And nothing is more natural or more human than our instincts of wanting to protect ourselves or others in anyway possible against pieces of shit scumbags like you.
i can’t believe the women who voice act this shit. if those women didn’t, this shit would be less common.
Oh boy hoo. Cry me a river you big fucking baby. Work is work nothing you cry about will change that.
Dude, it’s a fantasy. They just lend their voices, nobody was harmed.
Lmao faggots stop crying
Worst hentai ever… I’m sorry anyone like this trash
I’m not sorry. They’re fucked up in the head and it’s all their fault. Similar to people who like nazism, communism, or satanism.
okay i agreed with you but socialism is fucked up too. i mean look at venezuela or cuba or argentina and just about all of latin america not to mention africa. it turns your nation into a 3rd country not good
especially if another country is highly responsible for it amirite
It’s popular for a reason. Stop being a sensitive faggot anon.
Hottest fantasy I’ve seen since Princess Knight Catue. And that is saying a lot. One of my top five.
smh but you’re bottom five billion
Trash taste fans where you at!
2 out the 3 guys have great taste. The Brit is the one with trash taste in hentai videos.
Seeing the elf queen in pain when he shoved his dick in her made me cum in less than 7 seconds
LOL at 11:23 I laugh so loud every time!!
the powers that be can keep your ass quarantined but they can’t ban stupid shit like this. smh
nobody will miss it but a small minority of evil, creepy or deranged perverts whining, bitching and complaining like drama queens about something worse than nothing as if they’ve been deprived
Go back to sucking your dada’s fat orange dick and being fucked in your tiny anus by your daddy Putin, you American shit-eating ass-sucker!
A small minority he says when it’s one of the most infamous hentai porn videos out there that has a cult following. Maybe if people stopped being sensitive faggots like yourself the world would be a better place.