May 18, 2013

Hentai: Helter Skelter

Genres: , , , ,

1.76M 200


  • Frankieonpcin1080hd 11 years ago

    Bitches please

  • Uberhaxornova 11 years ago


  • I'm so otaku... 11 years ago

    welp, im fucked up because i love his hentai… ^_^

  • ;n;

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • Yea Idk if should look at this or not

  • Freakwon 11 years ago

    I love rape, and I thought this was mess up. Rape them, and killed their father. Talk about overkill!

  • Madmon 11 years ago

    Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter YEAAAAAAAAAAH- The song was awesome

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    darn the new hentais today are all rapes is there like some romance to not be pissed off

    • Anonymous 9 years ago

      WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!! Most hentai’s today are romances but back in the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s hentai was all rape get your facts straight (by the way this hentai came out in 1998.)

      • amuro ray 9 years ago

        o yea alot rape n 4 some reason alot of tenicles, monsters, n da like

  • Jasper Mary Pascua 11 years ago

    I really miss fucking my cousin.. :3

  • WTFWTH 11 years ago

    This is seriously fucked up. I mean, why make a whole family be raped? No sense there. The person who wrote the storyboard is so cruel. The romance is better

  • tu madre 11 years ago

    aaaaaand back to rape again

  • wooliewalker 11 years ago

    I was busting a nut every 5 minutes. Damn~~ this was way to sexy. I was conflicted as shit when the priest revealed who he was. I wanted to stop but, the debauchery made my dick harder.

  • Destroyer 11 years ago

    God this is one f@&$ed up hentai what the hell *spoiler* why would the whole village be in with this if I was in this village I would warn the family and help them escape

    • ._. sup 11 years ago

      i hate this, this is a bad story a really bad one, i like romantic ones >_<

      • •~• 11 years ago

        Why… :(

      • Then why are you watching it? It’s FUCKING TAGGED ffs. Not to mention if you can’t tell where it’s going 10 minutes in your dense as a brick. LEEEEAVE if you can’t enjoy it! I loved this one! The horrible twist at the end is just part of the horrible story telling process.

  • Flames98 11 years ago

    God i love this website!

  • THE ONLY ONE 11 years ago

    FAPPED 2X HARD ^_^

  • police guy 11 years ago

    crook i wouldnt call this good or bad just bunch of fat guys doing girls here but…. i rather see some master peice of a anime for once an not something like this i ask all of u this do u get off seeing fat guys doing young girls

  • Crooklyn 11 years ago

    *-* Fapped so much..Its such a good anime porn

  • Sora760 11 years ago


  • DaShen 11 years ago

    first one~

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