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Personally my favorite hentai I reccomend
It’s funny because even though sometimes he rapes them in non-stopped-time, the others dont give a shit
Yo I don’t want to be a dick but technically if yout stop time you can’t move anything. Space-time theory. Yoh can’t move a single atom if time stops and touching anything, including the water, is supposed to feel like freaking diamond if you manage to isolate yourself from the timelock.
That Party Guy , it’s not like someone had stopped time before , so we can’t know for sure .
You got your glass of logic mixed up in my bowl of hentai fiction. The two of them just don’t mix.
He later got aids from fucking the entire student body of an all girls school
gimme that watch right now !!XD
Sure stay at the school dat everyone jus got raped in lol
I wouldn’t allow anyone to go inside until the rapist is caught.
But the rapist still goes inside just fine.
Like logic would say to fucking get out of school but this is an anime so..
I’m pretty sure if i remember correctly it said they’re not at the school but in a separate location
Oh man , i surely love ahegao face when cum inside them :)
haha Imao this is funny af gold
Vote for Top main have Highest starmina ever
I’ve cum to rape you all
Not really much variations in body types, eh?
Anyone watching this in 2016 ? Tho if i had this power GG WP all the cuties would be pregnant
this guy doesn’t know when to quit now if he was in my city I would of track him down and put him six feet under already
If i was in an old western, id say ” draw out your weiner, lets see whos the fastest in the land “
ZA WARUDO toki wo tomare
Power OP please nerf in next update
I would totally steal stuff if I had this power. I can go to places late too, since I will be in schedule by stopping the time. Who knows? I would fight ISIS without having to look for cover. You are practically a god with this power.
If I had that power sex would be the last thing in my mind.
What I would do with this power
Become kira, using a stopwatch rather than a deathnote.
I wish i have ability to murder all the asshole guy too, so i don’t have to feel this guilty feeling about being same sex with them
Attacking his dad’s daughters is barely justifiable. Going out and raping every other girl in the school just makes him worse than his scumbag of a father.
Also, you should consider becoming a Social Justice Warrior if you hate your own gender so much. All you have to do is give up your pride, dignity, all the respect others have for you, and give your soul to the she-devil Anita Sarkeesian. If you’re lucky, maybe some chick might consider letting you watch her have sex with 12 niggers.
Wish I had that power
Me 2
We all do