Ero Manga! H Mo Manga Mo Step-Up 1 Subbed
1.74M 90 687
[lul]Ero Manga! H Mo Manga Mo Step-Up 1 Subbed[/lul]
Rin X Sen + Ran-Sem Cross Mix 2 Subbed
2.84M 473 820
[lol]Rin X Sen + Ran-Sem Cross Mix 2 Subbed[/lol]
Suketto Sanjou!! The Animation 1 Subbed
585.57K 23 257
[lol]Suketto Sanjou!! The Animation 1 Subbed[/lol]
how do you know if someone really is an admin you can literally make your name admin
it is a mystery
Hey admin, I love the contents of your website. I want to hear your answer if possible. Where do you get the uncensored content is there a website that release official uncensored content or do you use hentAI, Tsuki or DeepCreamPy to modify censored parts of the video?
Some old hentai are released uncensored online in many places
Any recommendations for sites with old hentai, that may have been censored but recently uncensored? Those early 2000s censorship was so much worse, ruined some good footage
Admin, the websites runss smoothly and fast , but not a single video can be played smoothly , the video players is extremely slow to load , almost as if it doesn’t even connects to the server,
I have changwd browsers, clear cache, used several different vpns and von locations, the issue remains (i have checked my connection and it is fast and several other sites work well)
This issue started around the end of march and is still continuing
At best i get sppeds of about 10-20kb/s
Whixh is rare
Most of the time the video doesn’t even load
I am from Bangladesh though, but i dont think this site is blocked here
This site was a crucial resource, fastest upload and many rare series are on here and only here
So please look into the issue thanks
Strange, I’m trying with a vpn it all loads fine even on bangledesh vpn, switching from desktop to mobile still has the same issue and with vpn? Also can you try the download link and see if it loads fast? It’s on a different server so if that works, it may be a server issue on the videos.
Yup :(
Desktop or mobile , vpn or not
Different devices ,
And I’ve tried the download links , they are also slow
Can you tell me the video server name , so i can check if the video server is blocked or not
Ok so for the first time , now when i used vpn the speed became fast , both streaming and downloading was smooth , but ithink this was a one time thing :(
As ive tried several times before with proper vpn , it didn’t work
Is it weird that
Ican access something without vpn , but with vpn the speed becomes faster?
Just as expected , speeds down again even with vpn :(
Admin can you tell me the video servers name ? So i can unblock it if i can
the video server is https://hgasm2.com and https://hgasm3.com
Hmm admin it says we’re having trouble finding that site , even with vpn
Can isp block vpns too???
Man :(
oops I spelled it wrong, try again. the download server is also on these sites
bruh why does 2 say lol
lmao stop pulling pranks
and hgasm3 just prompts a shady download
man it is really a bother , that i cant playback the videos :(
It’s not a shady download, it’s a text file that says lol
yeah i downloaded it ,np
i understand , i wouldnt share my source servers with anyone else too
ah well , its simply sad , nothing to do
it probably is a country issue with submerine cables or something , because with vpns , several other blocked sites work fine
but this site itself works super fast without vpn , just the video servers are the issue
oh , admin ,last question,
Did something happen at around middle of march ?
server debugging on any change in servers or anyhting?
because thats when the problem started
and is still going as you see
before that no other site could beat this wether it may be in speed or content
It was changed to https in march, then can you click this download link and tell me if it downloads and the speed? I’m trying with a vpn and it works fast.
Then try this one, which is hosted directly on this site which you say loads fine.
If one loads and the other doesn’t, it might be because of nginx which the video servers run on, then I can check it.
(replying to latest message) admin
nah man , dosent work , even with vpn
sorry for your bother :(
ill just wait it out if it ever gets gets fixed
the worst part , i dont even know where the problem is
is it a blocking issue in my country ? no
is it a server issue? no , everyone else seems to work
idk what happened
anyway thank you for your time :(
Oh idk if this information helps but
At around the same time , along with hentaigasm , hentaibar and several other sites started to have this same issue
Site runs smoothly , videos dont play
The most drastic effect was on hentaigasm and hentibar as these two were the most reliable and others were always slow
Surprisingly enough
All the mirrors of hentaihaven that were previously almost impossible to enter due to being slow , started working fine , with videos running smoothly , it acts weird sometimes too , keeps. Uffering , but works better than before
This is a bad trade off
Ah it may be on your end then, even the video hosted on hentaigasm.com didn’t work? the second link
It connected
But it connected with speeds of 10-30kb/s
Even with vpn
Then I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help. If other sites are having the same issues, it seems like speed throttling, specifically towards video files, might be your isp
Yeah it seems probably submerine cable issue
I just went to another place
Basically another isp
Same issue
Just slightly better speeds 50-100kb/s
In download
No playback
Anyway thanks for your time
Definitely on your end bud.
Hmmmm, sad :(
Is it possible that it has something to do with submerine cables? If the video server cant properly connect here , there’s no point in trying vpns for me , because in the end everything has to come through the cables , and recently there had been an issue with submerine cables .
Same bru,same problem, its been 3 weeks now and i cant watch a single thing on this website