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[lol]Hinagiku Virgin Lost Club E Youkoso 1 Subbed[/lol]
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[lol]J Pornography The Animation Uncensored 1 Subbed[/lol]
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Taishou Itsuwari Bridal Migawari Hanayome To Gunpuku No Mouai Uncensored 4 Subbed
37.41K 0 6
[lol]Taishou Itsuwari Bridal Migawari Hanayome To Gunpuku No Mouai Uncensored 4 Subbed[/lol]
Why do you bother watching it and complain about what you saw when there’s clearly the ‘rape’ tag under the title? Just leave and watch your vanilla crap elsewhere. Sweejus. And, as stated before, it’s fiction. They’re freaking half-animals for crying out loud. What’s so terrifyingly real about that? Rape is a real thing and I don’t support the actions of rape upon living humans (or the dead ones, for creepy necromancers), but seriously, get over it.
necrophiliacs. you mean necrophiliacs.
Dude I get that your comments.all serious and shit. But necromancer s. really? Its necrophiles.
Fuck you PewDiePie!
screw you pews is awsome
pew-dee-pai people say, shouldn’t it be pew-dai-pai? idk why I’m saying this here, and I think i must get talky after getting off cus i just posted like 6 times o_O
The real toby is actually good friends with pewds
This is the funnyest shit i’ve ever seen x,D
i like all Hentai but not the yaoi (Sorry if my english is bad)
“yaoi” whats that mean??????
I beilieve it’s gay he hentai that’s what i think
I beilieve it’s gay hentai
It is gay and yuri is lesbo
Yaoi: male-on-male romance.
Yuri: female-on-female romance.
Yaoi=guy having sex with another guy
Yuri=girl having sex with another girl
I love the face he makes when he comes out from under the bed.
Just enjoy the hentai and fap
Lets just hope one day we can have virtual reality where we can feel it too
People have already made underwear for long distance relationships where they can feel each other using apps, which would give the same feeling as if they were right next to each other
Believe my hentakus, one day 4D hentai will become reality
Yes it will man yes it will
Can’t wait for that to happen
..Now i actually want my boyfriend to be here D:
it don’t know it was kinda cute how they smiled at the end :3
Why can life be this easy and sexy just wait people until technology gets this far and you’ll get your hentai needs this will be real at some point hentai characters will be real at some point.
Woah… What’s going on in the comments section?
Yay I love yuri
the one of the night SPLAT perfect i recommend it
Yeah..do something useful..Because there are literally zero productive members of society that watch porn. I could be a goddamn astronaut for all you guys know.
Just because it isn’t real, Doesn’t mean it isn’t still sick. Dumbass.
Listen kid, these aren’t real people. There is no suffering to enjoy. Ignoring the fact that it’s a damn CARTOON, most of it isn’t even real rape or incest. It’s pretend.
No, I don’t need to calm “fown”. Quite calm actually, just fapped.
I don’t give a fuck what other people think because I am not weak minded. And they certainly don’t give a fuck either, SINCE. IT. ISN’T. REAL.
Yeah, taking life advice from some random fool would be among the dumbest things I could do.
How about you stop projecting your insecurities and silly morals onto others and focus on yourself?
And what your doing is any different? Keep your personal opinions on other people to yourself because otherwise you’re just gonna make an even bigger ass of yourself.
Chill the fuck down buddy. And yes you do need to calm down when you’re holding your own personal comment war on a porn site. Nothing you say is gonna change thier minds. It’s not wrong if they feel so strongly about hentai rape to hate it nor is to love it. Like you said it’s not real so they’re crying over spilled milk. Just read thier comment, sign in frustration, and move on. Though if they hate it so much I can’t understand why they would even watch it unless thier goal is to somehow “purify” the internet by voicing thier disgust. It’s got Rape in the Tags so they knew what they were in for.
it about what hapened i lost control again.
Take your meds buddy, it’ll help you, I promise.
besides i ain’t got no freinds and my family hates me. okay are youvsqrisfied yet!! huh punk!
sorry guys my alternative side got the best of me again… well when he feels satasfied he lets me take back control.
fuck you critic i watched that show 3 times last week!