December 8, 2024

Hentai: Zecchou Rocket

Genres: , , , ,

1.56M 294


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    conflicted boner

  • Why the heck does that guy have a box full of sex toys for girls? It’s not like he’s getting laid or anything…

  • Pigfat 10 years ago

    What was he doing with dildos

  • I like white guys 10 years ago

    Well damn, I’ll make sure not to slip on a banana peel in the middle of the road and hit a pole xP end up havin the creepiest guy ramming ya twat

  • thtguy 10 years ago

    y u guys so mean

  • 13yearoldhentalover 10 years ago

    pretty good henai not the best though

  • imortalxero 10 years ago

    Holy dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Hey, what is the dubstep sample from on all of hentaigasms videos?

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Might make for a good vid

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    He catches the amnesia girl masturbating and fucks her i ment to say

    • Anon132 10 years ago

      [Fukubiki! Triangle Miharu After] is this what ur looking for??

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Hentai where a girl slips on a banana peel and loses her memory then later in the boyfriend fucks her little sister then later he catches her masturbating and fucks her then

  • lolsolewd 10 years ago

    But ur right that should a counted as rape and what does she mean a strangers feels batter.

    • wishy washy 10 years ago

      Probably means she realized she has a fetish for doing it with a guy she doesn’t know. That’s why she doesn’t want him to introduce himself, so she can fuck him more with some anonymity.

  • lolsolewd 10 years ago

    God… stfu u aren’t even real until someone proves it to me .-.

  • I seem to get the vibe that this is rape genre. In fact, I believe that this IS rape genre material. That girl with the temporary amnesia was completely, deceitfully, and legitimately raped. Yet, this hentai does not contain the tag “rape genre”. I know the moderator for this hentai fucks up some of the time (if not most) but by now he/she should be able to classify each video (not that I mind really). And speaking of genres, there should be a vanilla genre on this site by now. It’s not anymore a suggestion, rather, a demand. So that way I can watch every vanilla content out there (sepcifically on this site). I wonder what “chocolate” genre would be like if it existed.

    • God's Creator 10 years ago

      Chocolate = Dark

      • XD What I meant by “chocolate” is not the skin. With “vanilla”, it pertains to innocence where only one boy have sex with one girl. So I was thinking what would the “chocolate” genre be like if it is equivalent to the “vanilla” genre. Besides, there is already a “dark skin” genre.

  • Flare 11 years ago

    Ugh i dont like rape hentai i dont know why but its still hot

  • swag MCblagger 11 years ago

    8/10 would fap again

  • He prefer the butt

  • SpermyWhale 11 years ago

    9/10 Score

  • Vladimir Putin 11 years ago

    I approve this.

  • tomodoshi 11 years ago

    Anyone know when the uploads are I have bin on this site for a year I could never tell which days does the web owner upload new hentai

    • Hentai Wizard 11 years ago

      it’s not on a set time ( I think ) I’m pretty sure it’s whenever these get translated ( or uploaded )

      • Anonymous 11 years ago

        Before it used to be in intervals of about a week but now nothings been up for about a week and a half. But whatever hope something good is gonna be added next.

    • HentaigasmVeteran 11 years ago

      Every Saturday or Friday I think.

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