August 13, 2024

Hentai: Yabai! Fukushuu Yami Site

Genres: , , , ,

2.71M 719


  • ur dick 10 years ago

    Not sure igmf i can fap to this shit

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I agree episode 3, save those girls

  • undeadhound 10 years ago

    what we learned…

    1. the brother is a total sicko, and a douche-bag, who also loved his sister to incest.
    2. the most innocent one of them all, got the worst and blamed for the death.
    3. there is apparently no government doing anything to stop this.


    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      DIS IS HENTAI!!! You do not use normal logic but instead hentai logic. Is this pike your first hentai? Go watch some vanilla.

      • just a random perv 10 years ago

        Hit it spot on XD “this is hentai” anime, cartoons, something where girls can have tits the size of cars and guys can have 17in and fit all of it inside. Where chicks can go without getting pregnant after getting cummed in a 100+ times XD

    • 1.- The dude is indeed a sicko and douchebag, but I think we’d all be like that if our lives were fucked up by three scumbag bitches who have no regards for others. Only a demon can judge another demon. I know I’d do the same.
      2.- Innocent? She fucking killed the dude’s father and sold her “best friend” to the girls that were bullying her JUST because she was jealous of her friend being happy while not feeling guilty about ANYTHING all the time.
      3.-Is there anything wrong with incest? I don’t think that’s a topic we should touch, but all I’m saying is we shouldn’t judge because there’s no argument that can prove there’s such a thing as wrong or right in that. Besides, Rina was also incestous.

  • dark_one 10 years ago

    Still Hate this show…

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Bad writing is bad. lmfao at the whiners in here saying it’s “too realistic” have you even even HAD hardship in your lives? This resembles nothing.

  • Predator 10 years ago

    give me more of this and less of NTR

  • Revenge!!! 10 years ago

    Those bitches deserved it!

    • I agree with you. Others look at the girls as victims, which they are to some extent, but nevertheless the initiators. It may be rape, and revenge may not be the most rational way to justify things, but surely it can be seen as consequence or punishment. The girls had it coming for having commit something horrible such as bullying. Looking at it in another perspective, the siblings may have brought this upon themselves too. Them being in a forbidden relationship and receiving a bitter end creates this natural balance within the hentai. Everything cannot go unpunished. This episode of the series shows that cycle, that it is a sin to love someone that isn’t supposed to be loved and that fuels the jealousy in Rina to abandon and turn against a friend. Even Rina loved her own brother so the bullying can be a sign that “Hey! You loved the wrong person”. It’s something to contemplate about in regards to those choices. The choices of the “bullies” came with a price and the same thing can be said with the siblings. And at the end, death brought things to an equilibrium; everything is within balance.

      • devil 10 years ago

        For the first time we are on the same page . But I hate the fact that he burned himself he had great potential to be a good rapist .

        • what how are you even watching does have net connection

          • sorry what i meant to write above was “what how are you even watching does hell and heaven have net connection”

      • Lee Qwak 10 years ago

        oh my..God

  • Tiffany 10 years ago

    Hey guys,who wants to play??

  • A girl 10 years ago

    I-i… I typically like rape… but this was.. just… so hard to watch as it felt like ACTUAL rape not just a fantasy. It was too real, I don’t know if I can watch past the first scene.

  • Onii-chan 10 years ago

    Jesus fucking Christ you idiots, this shit ain’t that deep

    • GTFO THIS SITE 10 years ago

      i agree with this dude

    • It is if you make it so. Analyzing the human psyche, even if it’s not a real human’s, is always fascinating and deep, and the fact that this was made by humans makes it possible to analyze in that way.

  • FEELS 10 years ago


  • Gumbaman 10 years ago

    Th background of this story feels like if they took out all the sex and stuff they could make this into a pretty good movie

  • HentaiFanaticTeg 10 years ago

    COMEON! that ending wasn’t good! There HAS TO BE an episode 3 with what the guy saving all those 3 girls and keeping them! PLEASE! DX

  • the god father (horny mode) 10 years ago

    my creature, my son and my daughter, can you say to me you god what is the name of the film that a man can teleport fast and always fucking the girl in school and then the pink hair girl let him to sex her just for not fucking a girl and he friend again

  • Jeffa 10 years ago


  • Real Horse 10 years ago

    Hey, any girl wanna fuck? I am a 5 year old horse and live in a forest. I am a japanese horse tho, so dont expect too much

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Fuck rape

    You all going to live forever I pain and suffering because hell is to good for you and heavens not real bitch

    • So suck it? 10 years ago

      I’m an atheist, I don’t care. I don’t need my hand held, religion is for children much like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. You saying that god is going to send me to hell is like telling me if I’m not a good kid then I will get a lump of coal. Though I do agree with you about the rape, it’s a terrible thing that I don’t want to see. Also if your so religious why are you on a porn site? Good game religious man, good game.

    • Mesaki Rynokameh 10 years ago

      Amusingly knowing that I’m going to hell allows me to do all the shit I’m not suppose to, so bring it on cause I’m ready.

    • Lucifer(crown prince of hell) 10 years ago

      Even if you come to hell. i am not gonna accept you

    • Vladimir 10 years ago

      If heaven is not real, why in the world should hell be real?! -Frivolous

  • GG Sphere 10 years ago

    already came in the middle of the vid but damn… story’s great so i still followed it

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Did the girl’s die?

  • 1 inches dick weight 15 inches 10 years ago

    Blessing from the eternity

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