Amai Choubatsu Watashi Wa Kanshu Senyou Pet Uncensored 4 Subbed
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[lol]Amai Choubatsu Watashi Wa Kanshu Senyou Pet Uncensored 4 Subbed[/lol]
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77.18K 0 28
[lol]Kyonyuu Onna Senshi Dogeza Saimin 2 Subbed[/lol]
Sakusei Byoutou 7 Subbed
177.41K 16 40
Happy New Year! A present from Hentaigasm! Bookmark Hentaigasm for the newest hentai, subbed ASAP! We'll be subbing all hentai coming out this year and more! [lol]Sakusei Byoutou 7 Subbed[/lol]
Mesu Kyoushi Injoku No Kyoushitsu 1 Subbed
1.14M 191 334
[lul]Mesu Kyoushi Injoku No Kyoushitsu 1 Subbed[/lul]
Hmmm usually I’d hate the rapist but damn. this is exceptional.
I’d love to go there in the anime universe and fucking RKO those girls abd the father..
also, I think death is too ‘soft’ for them if I was the dude.
Nah they did not deserve to die. The main character is a cunt. don’t have sex with your sister that’s fking disguting he deserves to die painfully.
Now for my opinion of this hentai. To be honest i was really disappointed with the ending, rather than killing ALL 3 girls i would of kept them as slaves. A much more better suffering-wise than a quick death to them. They were beaautiful in fact, Also i was really surprised that Rino was the one to set fire to his house.(i honestly wanted that all the girls lived and all and that neither of them set fire to his home that honest would be a better ending in my story).
I like your own preference of an ending, the only problem is that two of them are famous so keeping them as slaves is out of the picture (people will eventually start searching for them), and furthermore, they were broadcasted live on the internet during the interrogations. The ending that all of them receiving death is a realistic ending because it’s either the protagonist getting caught by the authorities and the whores be freed or death. The acceptable ending for me is how they all died. The only thing that caught my attention was that the sister was driven to suicide because of bullying but neglected to tell her own brother about the problem before she died (but then we would have a different story that does not result to death if she informed him). To my assumptions, it’s either because she didn’t want to drag her brother into the problem or she was too depressed to even seek for help. The women my have been beautiful but they were ugly inside. As a result, the protagonist would never keep them as slaves as they are a constant reminder of the sister’s suffering. And since it’s about revenge and not “justice”, all of them dying is the most probable ending than any.
Tbh i am quite surprised that she setted the house fire and the ending where all 4 died. presumably i would rather he let the blonde one go as she did the least harm to the sister
That would be the case if the protagonist can find it in himself to forgive at least one of them. Besides, I also wanted the protagonist to make them his sex slaves but the ending is quite acceptable that they all died. In fact, even at the first episode, I expected for him to do so but unfortunately he ends up killing them all. Then again, they might have survived to make them suffer some more, somewhere hidden underground beneath all that rubble, even though it’s highly unlikely.
I agree killing them was juts pathetic and the main character is a cunt to begin with. Keeping them alive would have been better. Anyways can come up with a 3th one that they ae still alive and that he still torturing them. They can do anything tbh depends on fame. Me personally I hated the ending killing all 3 . They were super hot too. Sex slaves would have been the better option.
the ending made me cry
I’ve been looking for this one hentai, it used to be on this site but it’s not here anymore, all I remember is that it involved a guy taking his master’s virginity while she slept, her getting gang banged by hypnotized men, and her having the ability to become a virgin again every month. I think they were vampires or witches I forget. If you know the name please tell me. Google aint working for me. Thanks.
Don’t remember the name but go on hentaischool and look it up on the fantasy genre.
Yeah is something about “wizard” i remember i saw it here
I think you looking for the hentai that has “annerose” in the that name it should be in the list somewhere
I think that’s called Annerose
Plz don’t answer the question. Lol
did the girls die too?
I wasent that into it, im more of a romance addict
that is some fucked up shit
I fukin hate that kind of ending,same goes with you
Plotline hentai works out pretty god damn well.
哈哈哈 你说呢
I don’t feel sorry for the incestous couple but I like histories in which the bullies pay for the abuse they inflict on the victims.
The only thing I didn’t like is the lack of a scene of them panicking after realizing they are about to burn to a crisp, like it happened in “idol decasy”.
You almost make it sound as if they shouldn’t be empathized because they commited incest. Like it’s a bad thing or something.
I’ve just felt sorry for Kaoru and her Onii-chan…just out of simple jealousy one girl burned the house down(even the innocent father died), I say karma is really a b*tch so don’t bully other people or this may happened to you…I’m just glad that those 3 b*tches were killed and the brother found out the truth and he live happily ever after with his sister in the other realm.
I’ll correct you if I may. Rina didn’t really set the house on fire out of jealousy. It was out of fear that someone might find Kaoru’s diary that contained information about the bullying. Rina left Kaoru to get bullied at the hands of those two because she was “jealous” of their relationship. Not all that, it is also because she has a fulfilling life and Rina believed that Kaoru needed to know pain and suffering.
Personally I would have vivisected the three girls if I was the main guy. Im not in mood to violate them at this point.
I agree, but as I’ve previously said, he was rather “merciful”. The whole raping and humiliating thing was just so he could get info out of them. He just wanted to kill them, but I guess he had to be sure they were guilty to do so. He had to be pretty convinced if he raped them while not being completely sure so maybe he just wanted a reason for himself. Who knows?
his sister looks a bit like Hakoniwa Yuragi from Noucome
I hate rape……But, this is an exception!
Ladies snap me @bigdjsz