Mayohiga No Onee-San The Animation Uncensored 1 Subbed
207.37K 4 79
[lol]Mayohiga No Onee-San The Animation Uncensored 1 Subbed[/lol]
Fukubiki! Triangle Miharu After 1 Subbed
2.26M 401 892
[lul]Fukubiki! Triangle Miharu After 1 Subbed[/lul]
Ano Danchi No Tsuma-Tachi Wa 1 Subbed
775.77K 24 311
[lol]Ano Danchi No Tsuma-Tachi Wa 1 Subbed[/lol]
Wanna. Spartansex Spermax!!! 1 Subbed
3.17M 569 957
[lol]Wanna. Spartansex Spermax!!! 1 Subbed[/lol]
Youkoso! Sukebe Elf No Mori E 1 Subbed
2.09M 114 1.33K
[lol]Youkoso! Sukebe Elf No Mori E 1 Subbed[/lol]
Chu Shite Agechau Oshikake Onee-San No Seikou Chiryou 2 Subbed
3.44M 574 1.58K
[lul]Chu Shite Agechau Oshikake Onee-San No Seikou Chiryou 2 Subbed[/lul]
Damn bruh that shit was crazy good thing those bitches died and my dude can be with his sister in heaven
Piece of shit fuking bitches deserved to die I was so happy they died rulers caused the dam heroine to suicide and one of the bitches killed his dad all deserved the guy did not do anything wrong at all
what the fuuu-
Huh. So he basically fucked the one he loved in his mind because she alrady committed suicide, and then set fire to the mansion to kill himself and those bitches who deserved what they got.
I was kind of dissapointed with it to be honest. They characters were hot, and the basic plot gave it a good chance and reason to use hard bondage / torture, which they kind of missed out on (like spankings, hot wax, wooden horses, deepthroat gagging session, more enemas, ect). I kind of want to smack the main character male with a 2×4 and tell him he’s doing it wrong…….and that his sister was a whore.
In the end though it was kind of repetitive with the same sex scenes (game has tons more as usual), just with the different girls. Also it got too cramped / in depth with everyone having a dramatic messed up back story that I felt like made a lot of viewers yawn and go “I came here to jerk off, not have guilt trip”. It’s also kind of hard to also know in the end that the girls are going to look like charred corpses that look like they met one of the “Game of Thrones” dragons. (Also they’ll eventually be identified from the teeth samples).
I know it sounds like I’m griping, but I just feel like they could have done so much more with this and missed a great opportunity. I love how all the girls had tanlines, that’s nothing you see normally in hentai., and the girls were really drawn to great quality (Blondie is my favorite), I’m really hoping that Waffle does a Zen’aku hentai, just without a “Kill everyone!” Ending.
So, there are many bullies in the comments who enjoy torturing others and really mad because people liked the revenge and believe they deserve it
Anyone defending bullies in the comments should get treated. As for the show, there is a similar one where the girls hired a gang to rape the main character sister. In this situation, they really got what they deserved
In this plot, I would say killing them without the rape is enough. Basically, I believe an eye for an eye is the right thing to do.
They didn’t “just” kill his sister. They took everything away frok him. His house, parents and sister.
You’re a fucked up person if you think school children deserve to be raped and killed for a suicide that they didn’t intentionally cause.
Honestly I wouldn’t have just beaten them and slowly drivin them mad until the will to die is stronger than the wish to be free and traded their life for answers
This was great what a satisfying ending.
Soo guys as u can read my nick u must know i hate rape stff but this one was awsome. I didint fap on this but i wotched for pilot My score to this is 100/97 EVEN IT’S A RAPE i wish they could make anime from this THIS IS HOW MUCH I LIKED THIS.
Good job dude and rip u deserve the rest
That ending. Man, id do the same if my sister was killed but i wouldnt get blood on my hands either like jesus….
Holy fuck this was dark.
NEVER mess with an Onichan! This is a Warning to all who want to take away his precious imouto.
you could say that… they were FIRED
I’ll leave now..
This gets me really emotional poor guys sister committed suicide father was killed you can’t blame him I would go nuts if my sister dies especially if I was in that kind of relationship and dad getting killed I wish they made a part 3 showing the main character still alive just changed his name and found out his sister is still alive and just ran away from home but still this was really deep
Not my proudest fap. Props to the guy keeping his boner despite knowing one of them was the reason why his sister committed suicide.
The laugh on the end scared me asf
Now it’s 667 comments
I made it into 666 comments
Justice served, japan style. Rape for the win, raping cute girls is justice, woot woot!