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So did they all die
By the only reason i watched this one was mostly for the story
Yes, they all died.
It was heavily implied that the girls died, implied that the guy died, but if the studio wants to make another installment they left it open that they could have survived.
Lol i thougt he threw l the girls out of the window after he puted pillow on the ground
And suiside (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
me too
Revenge rape the is the best rape
It’s the only “acceptable” rape. And only if the reason is a good, understandable reason like this guy’s, not some “she didn’t want to go out with me” shit.
I’m Watching you.
No spamming please!
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so the guy died?
To the guy who said he wanted the blond. You still want her?
are you a girl?
I like rape. It’s better than regular sex!
so you’re the type that likes to get tossed around my favorite type.
Wait did those girls die to
Hai he killed them to maybe not the two but he took rina with him
Those hitch if I was instead of that guy I would have first put a cockroach inside her ass spray Obama’s poop in her mouth then put gunpowder to her vagaina then 3 2 1 boom
Kudos! What a neat way of thiiknng about it.
… We got a true born serial killer here.
Wow dat ending….
This was crazy plot kicked ass
This is so sick and stupid
Thank goodness there is one normal person who finds a plot like this disgusting
It is freaking distusting indeed, but you know what else it is? Just. Those women faced the consequences of their actions. Even if you consider those consequences inadequate or excessive for their actions, that’s just the way it was. They messed with the family of a guy who had no qualms about doig what he did. But then again, I’d probably also do something along those lines, I guess. Deserving or not, they got a reaction for their actions. Personally, I hate all of them and had no remorse for anything that was done to them.
Actually, he was pretty lax if you ask me. He wanted to kill them, yes, but he only tortured them (sexually) to get the necessary info for excusing himself, I guess? The point is if I (or him or anyone at that) was blinded by rage, I’d probably torture them physically and mentally without letting them die in a long time (and I mean long). That is, of course, if I was rage-blinded. He was pretty calm considering.
My point is, the first time I watched this I cringed A LOT of times because I wasn’t sure whether they were guilty or not. This second time I actually enjoyed it, and this comes from the guy that can’t even get erect at rape hentai no matter how “lax” they try to make it (I’m looking at you, “Please Rape Me!”), though of course it wasn’t coz of the rape, but rather how good it felt to see those fucking bitches get what they deserved and more (particularly Rina).
But hey, I’m just one guy.
oh he definitely should have dragged rina’s punishment out a long long time. i’m a girl and even i think he was too lax on them. the only one i felt a twinge (a very small one) of pity for was the one who was abused by her father.
Same here :P I probably go easier on Misuzu but that depends on her actions
No mater what reason this could have been solved correctly if the guy is not out his mind all i could see in this story is a serial killer who makes excuse he’s revenge but all he want’s to do is fuck them and kill them for no reason.
He didn’t do it for no reason lol they deserved something to happen to them and this is what happened.
You’re a bit of a sicko if you would torture people for a long time for revenge.
I got off to this too, but I’m not going to pretend that it would be anywhere near okay in real life.
lol you say it disgusting but who is disgusting the guy who made the plot or the guy who so hypocritically had the stomach to stick around and watch it to the end. just saying i have no problem with the story or hypocrites (cause i am one myself) but really judge yourself before what actual people make money on :)
Then why the fuck are you here nigga? Please become smart, you’re dumb and an idiot. Now fuck ya! :P
Rape your enemies guys, it’s totally fine, even if you’re not sure if they’re the bullies or not -.-
anybody want to ram my ass (im a boy)
:) i want it my name its my ki.k :3 u need to leave me dry .
At least the ending make sense. :) LOL
Agree lol
this site is slow on getting the subs, but aleast they let me know what hentai is out.
Q.Q M-Must.. Not cry.. Q~Q
These three women deserve a more painful death for example, I would chop their fingers off while I put beetles in their vaginas and stomp on their throats while I mess with their organs right next to their face then skull fuck em as I sacrifice them to lord jashin.
I like you
Thank you ask anything you wish I’ll answer.
dam dude that’s cruel I like it exept I would rip out their teeth 1 by 1 then brake their bones 1 by 1
Yeah but that’s been done many times so I thought of new things to torture people.
That kinda torture is more for getting the answer you want. His torture was more mental than physical they would lie he wpuld mess with them mentally to break them
Leedle leedle lee
a bit over boared bud , idk if id rape em for that it kinda grosses me out but the blonde one and the gray headed one was raped by her dad, was bullied severely so id just make em face therapy or somthing but the purple is just a self absorbed bitch , so idk i guess a skull fucking is in order
You… I like you.
You are amazing….. (All hail Lord Jashin)
U watched naruto
naruto is for weebs, jashin chan dropkick is the only religion
Yep. *Whispers to others* Call the mental hospital… He’s a true-born serial killer…
I honestly hope you die. Like really badly. Like I want to hear your death on the news and not give a fk that’s how disgusting you are. And the the single fking thrash guys going “I like you” Your all nothing but thrash. Hope you all have a miserable life you all deserve it. I’m praying for it <3
Calm down edge lord, you’re the one watching hentai.
Stfu lmao you’re probably like these girls who can’t face consequences for their actions.
Beetles? Nah, stick a cactus inside