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Hmm someone needs to learn to spell
It would suck if they really had no involvement with the sister and he raped the wrong girls.
I totally agree.
Ah, I`m looking forward to the next episode. Revenge rape is the best kind of rape!!
Plot Twist: None of these girls are the one who made her commit suicide. 10/10
most likely…
it’s problemly a another rapest of something
has far has i know i love this one.. and surely do want this to continue to more episodes
finally REVENGE RAPE… it makes it up for all those netorares T^T im happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
damn straight
Revenge Rape is the only good kind of rape! To all the soggy butt-hurt bitches out there, imagine having a sis/girlfriend/mom get raped and you sitting there with your two thumbs shoved up your ass doing nothing…. Well if you can sit there, then I might as well be raping them.
If it’s just pointless “oh I just wanna fuck you!” type rape, then it seems pointless. That kind always makes me feel bad for the one getting raped.
But revenge rape…. that’s something I’d fully condone… there’s nothing like a justified revenge scheme. and besides, it really brings the sadism in me. -evil grin-
I’m actually rooting for the rapist once? HELL YEAH! they deserve it
I kind of enjoy revenge rape
The two girls getting fucked were the ones im not sure about the third girl
Trust me. Looks deceive magically.
i think light blue did it, cause she was shacking the whole time after she found out why she was there
Can’t believe I notice that and I was trying so hard as to guess and see who’s the real culprit. Nice observation my friend! Now, to wait and see who the really did the deed.
i reckon they were all involved in some way
14:10 otoshiba xD
Any girls out there wanna hook up?
Cutting ass like a sword in the name of the lord all for his lil sis now that’s devotion people
The one rape hentai where you actually root for the rapist. Love me some vengeance.
I’m really happy I found this
Porn star indeed. She’s trying to make it sound more majestic because she is shamed by it.
actress? actress my ass more like pornstar