March 10, 2013

Hentai: Wizard Girl Ambitious

Genres: , , ,

2.35M 384


  • Trixia Dueñas 11 years ago

    Love it…. I really getting wet now.

  • my vagina is so hot and wet noow

  • Sorry but this has to be the funniest hentai ever

  • Danni 11 years ago

    It’ good

  • Jennifer. Y. 11 years ago

    2 simple people fall in love by fighting together side by side, they fall in love and become the greatest on earth, all people think is about sex, but this story is all about love and the music in the end, shows that she was happy to meet him. and I find it so romantic

    • Mr.smiles:) 11 years ago

      wow really deep MsJennifer i’ve never seen any one explain hentai like that so says Mr.smiles:)

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Seriously it really wierd it kind of sex and ah i find it cute

    • Good Guy Greg 10 years ago

      “Watches Hentai for the plot – Doesn’t fap”

      Yep. It’s nice.

  • the amount of hentai is TOO DAM HIGH

  • Based 11 years ago

    Everyone, the Based God will fuck all your bitches!

  • kenji 11 years ago

    OWWW my god..

  • MeNoWhy 11 years ago

    soo that must be Zero no tsukiama porn :? ;D

  • Rie Kugumiya= Asuka= Louise = Taiga= Shana= Aria….

  • A person 11 years ago

    I hate how it’s ‘almost’ rape and I still like it.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      I know right? He’s not traumatizing her, he’s just being a jackass and ruining her first time. Her tone and the things she says turn me right off, though. Also, I would love it if they would be realistic with these and clean up before continuing. Blood makes for shitty lubricant, people. I’ve had hundreds of nosebleeds and it’s probably the most uncomfortable sensation ever. Couple that with the idea of sex, and I don’t think I will be fapping for awhile. Eugh.

  • imlovinit 11 years ago

    She wants dem balls, there’s no white girls in dis no mean to be racist but. SEE YA I KILL ALL OF U. Wanna know how? KAMEHAMEHA! !!! ITS OVER 9000 LOL

    • The Retard Reaper 10 years ago

      Hello there. I am the Reaper in charge of the taking of mentally retarded people who are also jackasses. We here at Death Inc. can’t have retards going on the internet and posting this kind of fucked up weird shit. Makes the legitimately handicapped look bad. So, I’ll see you in about 6 days. I look forward to our visit.

      See you soon,
      – The Retard Reaper

  • luffy 11 years ago


  • Ms.XoXo♥ 11 years ago

    I fingered my pussy so hard to this.

  • Mash potato

  • Just the person 11 years ago

    Why do people put their ages up? I find it unnecessary to be honest.

  • Alfred jones 11 years ago



  • Jack. 11 years ago

    Lik mah computer is at 69%

  • ao oni it's raping time 11 years ago


    • kool-aide 11 years ago

      it’s not rape, she has the powers to get him away. and it’s only “almost rape” with the other one but gets saved just in time.

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