This Hentai was uncensored by mistake: UNCENSORED!


October 20, 2013

Hentai: Wanna. Spartansex Spermax!!!

Genres: , , , , ,

4.48M 1067


  • anon101 10 years ago

    I did not post my comment to be malicious it has happened to me on both adult and non adult sites more and more frequently it seams. I honestly think its the advertising companies that allow these type of add/pop-up because the rate of return on advertisement is like 1% or less and they want a better return on their money.

  • anon101 10 years ago

    when i visited the site earlier tonight i clicked on this video and was be-set by one of the many versions of the fake FBI warnings ransom ware who ever the admin of this site is should be warned

  • muddafucka 10 years ago


  • muddafucka 10 years ago


  • Kirito 10 years ago

    Rape will be good if the rapist man is the main character just like please rape me.. that was good hentai of rape cuz the rapist is the main character right?

    • honest 10 years ago

      I do think your right because that rape hentai was actually a funny one and
      not onr that you wanna you know do ( blank oh horrble blank ) with them so yhea i geus its true

  • dragonkirito 10 years ago


  • gcvnnm 10 years ago

    i like things like this because i guess i would secretly like to get raped. not by losers but by hot guys with huge dicks and would dome rough. and i want them to cum inside me. thats an awsome way to go…lol :) o and i turned 15 today ;x

  • wise-tits 10 years ago

    Yea I like watching rape… but one think I hate about it that there’s like a 50 0r old man fucking her or some dumb horny guys holding her down and I guess that’s why many people hate it… or like it??? I mean if you like watching rape its not like you’ll do it,
    I hope that’s right….._-#dumbassrapers.

    • Homo Toby Lau 10 years ago

      My name is Shiro. I’ve been bullied by my classmates over the fact that my mother was a slut. All of them don’t believe me that she was raped. I will have my revenge over those who trampled on her honour.

      Ai: Hey! You bastard! Why are you eating here with us in class? Animals should eat on the grass where they belong.
      Shiro: …
      Chinatsu: Yeah, shouldn’t you be with your whore of a mom? Or is she being picking random old dudes across the streets again?
      Shiro: >:/ (These fuckers think they could mess with me)
      -Someone throws a chalk at him-
      Guy#1: GTFO OF HERE!
      ALL: -laughs-

      -after school, Shiro goes home-
      Shiro: Tadaima!
      Shiori: Okaeri Shiro, (coughs) Sorry for always bringing you trouble.
      Shiro: It’s alright mom, as long as you’re here with me I’m fine.
      -Shiori coughs some more- -Shiro clenches his fists-
      Shiro: Mom, I’ll bring you upstairs, you should rest.
      -He takes her up and gives her water-
      Shiro: I’ll go back to my room now. You rest up.
      Shiori: Thanks for your support, Shiro.
      -Shiro goes leaves and shits the door. He leans on the door and tears runs down his cheeks-
      Shiori: (I swear I will rape and kill all those assholes in my way)

      I’ll leave it you guys on what happens next! :}

  • HentaiTryGuy 10 years ago

    she should have killed those ugly fags of dumb ass. if some one did blackmail me like that i would make them eat their dick and lock them in a cage an throw away the key!

    • dusty 10 years ago

      … shes against 3 guys even if she took out one of them there’s still 2 more to get through (girls in hentai are usually weak as it gets and can’t really put up much of a fight) and also any sigh on retaliation would end in her being in an even worse predicament of being tied up and being raped even more … *facepalm*

      • honest 10 years ago

        To be honest it doesnt matter if the girls ar weak or bad ass kunfu ching chang hah wathever fighter its always the same the girl gets touched while fighting her guard is off one of the guys get her and black screen next thing u know RAPE SCENE!!!! altrough that i hate it

    • Mega Man 10 years ago


  • HentaiTryGuy 10 years ago

    i hate (RAPE) unless its revenge rape its cl long as the sults get what they deserve

  • MeLikeAhegao 10 years ago

    For all those questioning why we like rape.

    Ask yourself why you like the type of porn you like. Then see what we have to say. It like saying I like the fucking flavor of cum. Why would someone like it? Maybe because they just like it? Hell. I love seeing girls rolling back their eyes and sticking their tongue out. Why? I have no fucking clue. Its like asking why do you like Vanilla. How the fuck is someone supposed to answer that? It has a unique taste? Bullshit. What about cum? Are you not going to swallow cum? It has a unique taste.

    It’s just an attraction that we get. When I watch a guy and a girl have good time and fuck happily I constantly think to myself. Hey man, that ain’t rough enough. Fuck her harder. Fuck her silly. If u think there is something wrong with me, Jess what. I find something wrong with you for not liking rape.
    What I am trying to say here,

    • MeLikeAhegao 10 years ago

      Typed from my phone. So multiple errors. If you are going to be a faggot and say incorrect grammar or shit. Guess what. Its the internet. Fuck u

    • Fly Me Too The Moon 10 years ago

      I like ahegao a lot too, but I ran out of fucks to give looooonnnnngggg ago for people that hate Hentai. So instead of posting opinions, why can’t we just ignore them. Maybe they’ll go back to their caves and bridges instead of supposedly watching something they don’t even like in the first place, just to comment on it afterwards about how much they hated it.

      • MeLikeAhegao 10 years ago

        I ran out of fucks to give to. Decided to vent out everything in one shot. (Pun intended)

      • honest 10 years ago

        Wel honest it doesnt matter for the most ppl if other ppl like rape or stuff. So u know there are always a little bunch of fucks that hate. U kniw like i hate rape but i dont find it disgustin and so i dont yhea its just that a fhew fucks always complain oh and also written by phoone so heads up

    • RapeFetish 10 years ago

      I love this comment.

    • Suck~my~finger~Senpai~ 10 years ago

      Gayness.. ftw¥;_-/¥@//-_,/,_//-/-/-/-@¥/`//:–@Im a gay 13 year old, dont judge ai get bullied for being gay bye them damn homophobes but.. a guy who was bullying me.. he backed me up into a corner and started to kiss me.. I let it happen next day I found a note and so e flowers in my desk… It said ” dont tell anyone what happend Kay’…? ” I was speachless.. what should I do

  • FINALLY someons agrees if you dont like it dont watch

  • Come on guys, if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. It’s simple as that. Instead of complaining about rape being disgusting, how about finding something that doesn’t involve it. Also, it’s hentai, what do you expect.

  • dusty 10 years ago

    it says rape in the fucking tags you bunch of idiots if you don’t like rape then why the hell would you come onto a rape video. On a side note i love everything about hentai .

  • not important 10 years ago

    I agree. There should be a non-traditional hentai someday with a girl actually struggling and doing something against the one trying to rape her… I hate how weak they are all portrayed, fucking disgusting

  • @sshole 10 years ago

    I hope they have vol.3

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I am also sick and tired of the girls not putting up a fight. They just say no, stop, don’t. Don’t come inside me, I don’t want to get pregnant. If it were me they would have to kill me. Because I will not go down or out without a fight. A very violent, bloody fight.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I am so sick and fed up with guys fucking through their zipper holes. Just pull down your fucking pants!!!

  • anon90 10 years ago


  • AUDRRY 10 years ago

    OMFG i cant believe this shit~! I screamed so hard because that fucking bastard came inside her! Put her through all that pain!!!! That’s just sick! He needs to rot in hell!

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