3.13M 569


  • Anonymous 2 years ago

    Poor Dude got kicked on his balls

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    Fuck off those web grant too much info

  • DryBoi 5 years ago

    so many white knights commenting over a fictional character XD

  • Anonymous 5 years ago

    i actually find the guy in orange pretty cool and the last girl just damn wouldve done the same to her

  • Aratos 5 years ago

    People here complaining about this and how rape is digusting but if you hate it so much why are you here?

  • Anonymous 5 years ago

    I like hentai but I don’t like myself

  • DeepSoul 5 years ago

    This is one of my favorites

  • Darkness 5 years ago

    Fucking sjws coming here just to bitch about rape, gtfo snowflakes, you sensitive bitches are irrelevant.

  • I like home everyone is hating on rape but if you hate it so much why are you on this page?

  • AnoniMoose 6 years ago

    Lmao all of the people in the comments section.
    Arguing over a set of drawn circles and lines hentaing another set of drawn circles and lines… this is just a fantasy.
    Stop bringing reality into fantasy.

    • Hentai rape is garbage 6 years ago

      lol looks like someone is afraid of reality

    • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 6 years ago

      yeah stop ruining his fantasy guys the reality of him fapping to hentai rape is bad enough actually idgaf everyone knows when rape’s involved it’s shit lol

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