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Although I’m glad that died aya killed those damn>: D
what the fuck happened did he die?
Did he die?
The hero died -.-
I fucking know right Kirito? D;
why don’t you guys masturbate with each other “hint hint!”
yes ;-;
Suck that he died at the end
the hero died at the end?
this is one heck of a hentai
But no dont you see it the people who raped her were the actual heros (anti-heros) they are on screan for the most part
it’s like, when one man shouted, “Fuck man! Your cum!! FUCK! Got into my eyeeessssss!”
isn’t they feel weird when there’s too many guys fucking just one girl? i mean, what if.. they accidentally touch each other..??
it feels kinda strange tho :D
dont ask me from where i know this
not to thrilled on the rape but least they got what was coming to them it sucks the hero killed himself tho
I have to agree with that.
Avenge ur sisters death than do a samuri death you my freind have my respect
that was badass
Rapping bitches all day
the guy at the end was totally kick-ass, He should have lived and been the red heads boyfriend though
omfg first ever plot twist toward a good ending to date in a rape hentai. first mc to not cower like a bitch too
Guy suicide after he got his revenge I think he was in peace
The guy at the end was a badass
The ending is so damn good