Chiisana Tsubomi No Sono Oku Ni 2 Subbed
891.99K 37 311
[lol]Chiisana Tsubomi No Sono Oku Ni 2 Subbed[/lol]
Ecchi Na Onee-Chan Ni Shiboraretai 1 Subbed
1.26M 27 632
[lol]Ecchi Na Onee-Chan Ni Shiboraretai 1 Subbed[/lol]
Isekai Kita Node Sukebe Skill De Zenryoku Ouka Shiyou To Omou The Animation 2 Subbed
165.72K 4 52
[lol]Isekai Kita Node Sukebe Skill De Zenryoku Ouka Shiyou To Omou The Animation 2 Subbed[/lol]
Mahou Shoujo Wa Kiss Shite Kawaru 1 Subbed
1.05M 114 200
[lul]Mahou Shoujo Wa Kiss Shite Kawaru 1 Subbed[/lul]
Meltys Quest 2 Subbed
48.74K 4 11
Quick update, we've removed all old raw hentais. Only subbed hentai is kept except for motion anime raws. [lol]Meltys Quest 2 Subbed[/lol]
Seikou! Lose A Virgin For The First Term 1 Subbed
45.13K 3 9
[lol]Seikou! Lose A Virgin For The First Term 1 Subbed[/lol]
Secret Mission Sennyuu Sousakan Wa Zettai Ni Makenai! 3 Subbed
198.60K 14 32
Subbed this for you guys within hours of release! Bookmark us for every episode subbed on day 1! [lol]Secret Mission Sennyuu Sousakan Wa Zettai Ni Makenai! 3 Subbed[/lol]
Shit that was crazy!! But I cumed 2 times
I don’t know about you guys,but I would’ve curbstomped the living hell out of those pricks.
fuck off death gun. face me in irl. I rekt your ass in GGO -Kirito
It’s clear your not the real kirito.
Because kirito wouldn’t misspell his words.
美国也看- –
Instead of being arouse, I ended up crying at the very end. Why did u have 2 kill urself Hiiragi T_T
He died a Heros death, and justice was served viciously just the way I like it. \(^w^)/
Say can’t you complement me too. Nobody can escape my wrath and once I catch you I’m beat you senseless with a slow and painful death penalty. Then send you to hell. Making the story a sad ending.
Impressive it seems your speaking like a red player.
With a skill to kill.
You’re a moron.Case dismissed !
I have to say Bro I’m impressed
It’s been like almost a year ago I
disappeared off this site and your
improve acting skills of being the
real Death Gun.
And furthermore I don’t know what
the hell did you do to have people
join your wannabe guild Laughing Coffin.
Zero it’s about time you finally showed yourself.
Listen I know the reason why but what you’re doing here is taking it too far.
It doesn’t matter. I have red and orange players on my side.
And I’ll be the first evolve into the next stage of the game.
To evolve even worse than a red player.
What will you gain by doing all of that?
Dafuq weeaboos everywhere
This is a Hentai site. Do your Weeaboo role playing elsewhere.
Go fuck yourself mother fucker.
Hey, say something about me too. NOBODY can escape from… Death DICK…
Tell me something.
What are you?
A red player or a joke.
Because that name is more perverted
than a ruthless killer.
If it’s my blessing and praise your after.
Then show me your skills.
And speak like a red player.
And I’m not interested in sexual pleasure.
I’m only interested in killing.
And KIRITO!!!!
Death Gun I don’t know that’s what he wants from you. I don’t know if he’s making fun of you.
wtf indeed all of you death cunts, but you know what makes things go great? bukake and tentacles lots and lots of tentacles! so if you want any im more than halpy to oblidge, starting with deathgun oh btw im an eight headed octopus tentacles anyone? >:D
The fuck… Fight back at the very end after they have lost their virginity kinda pointless, no longer women they should die in shame.
Hey metaphorical Death gun I love SAO as much as the next guy but would like to point out you choses the most pathetic villain to be you got your ass kicked by a 15 or 16 year old girl. Plus your there saying you can remake laughing coffin and people are weirdly backing you and saying your smart and stuff but if your so smart than why in the hell do you have to copy the work of some one else not only some one else but an anime/manga/lite novel wrighter for crists sake get a life.
1. If you’re talking about Kirito he’s actually 17 years old. Or Sinon she’s a sniper that fooled me.
2. I wouldn’t exist if didn’t have one. As long as everyone one has a life as long they have soul.
3. You’re asking a rather foolish question. Because just in case you haven’t been paying attention. You should be asking why the fakes decided to be Kirito or Asuna or any SAO character. Which is one of my reasons why I chose to be Death Gun. And if you don’t understand what I’m talking then search these comments.
First Love 1 Page 21
Shion 4 Page 24
Bloods Inraku No Ketsuzoku Two 1 Subbed Page 24
Nee Summer! 2 Page 28
Eroge! H Mo Game Mo Kaihatsu Zanmai 1 Subbed Page 4
Mankitsu Happening 2 Subbed page 5
Gosh what the hell. I didn’t think Kirito and Asuna would act like that kind of people.
Well now get the picture you decided to become Death Gun because of the Fake Sao characters.
Well this is surprising. I did not expect anyone to support me.
Neither do I expect this fool to respond to my mere words. Which
by ANONYMOUS if your really not a fan of mine then tell me why are
you defending me saying that this person’s mind is stuck up in clouds.
So clearly your a foolish just as this person is. And for the record I may
be the fake Death Gun. But I can become the real one but twice as
better. And build laughing coffin from the ground up.
Getting worked up on a porn site should only lead to an orgasm and deleting history you are all a waste of the effort my thumb put into typing this.
You really are pathetic. You think some messaged death threat on some porn sight is going actually scare someone. In person , you would probably shoot your self in the leg before you could point a gun at a person.
Dude you are not listening. Gosh you’re so stupid and retarded at the same time.
Because if you were paying attention. He said mindful who you mock. So their for
It’s isn’t a death threat message. It is actually a lecture. So right now the only one
who is pathetic is yourself. For not getting that through your fucking head. As matter
of fact your so stupid I just laugh at you for not realizing that.
Wow your mind Is stuck up in the clouds. I’m not a fan of death gun but he said “I bet if I paid you a visit.”
So death gun knows he can’t do anything. And he said besides me you’ll be dead by somebody’s hands.
So he’s saying be careful who talk to.
And besides dude haven’t you noticed that this guy is a fake. Because the real death gun wouldn’t speak this intelligent.
Oh my gosh. What a perfect example for a fool you are. Clearly your the pathetic one. Death Gun
is a orange player. We orange players don’t take orders from anyone all we do is kill. So telling
master Death Gun to shoot himself. Why don’t you just jump off the cliff and kill yourself.
Death Gun is not pathetic.
Your the one who is pathetic.
Go to hell
Go fuck yourself and die bitch.
I’m like so horny right now >///<…
You guys can call or text me anytime… Let's exchange nudes and maybe we can fuck if you're in the NYC area, just lmk ^.~
347-403-6356, Maria
Follow me on Instagram @ASDFGHJKLZV
Who cares about a hentai ending when you got a camel?
Death gun was pathetic.
Like your mom.
Because she sucks dick.
I bet if I paid you a visit. You be taking back
what you said begging your life to be spared.
While I slowly point my gun at your chest or
skull. And you trembling in fear. I have real
power because I’ve became a real red player.
So while you’re busy saying I’m pathetic.
Show someone what you’re made of.
Because those who would mock someone
when the offender has no power or skills
him or herself are the pathetic ones. And my
main point of all these words I’m saying is.
Be mindful who you talk to or insult. Because
besides me you’ll be dead by somebody’s hands
if you have no skill. Because in this world no matter
where you go or how you hide. You can never escape
DEATH itself.
Dude, this video isn’t even reminiscent to SAO, why are you guys here, If it’s lack of places to RP then I can find you some place to go. Trust me, there’s a hundred places better than a porn site to go RPing on.
The ending was very laughable
Do you like murder.
It’s exciting watch them die over and over again.
That is the most wonderful ending I have ever seen.
You’re a sick bastard.
But that is how Laughing Coffin rolls with death and murder. It even more fun when we are the ones that are doing the killing part. We have the power with real strength. So remember my name with fear and terror with your stupid brain. The name I share with my fellow red or orange player’s power.
DEATH GUN!!!!!!!
Shut up
Do you think you can try to silence me.
I came out of the dark side of the internet to tell you guys that you need to S T O P
Don’t tell me what to do or I’ll kill you.
I agree! But don’t like that the guy killed himself in the end
Dude that’s what he’s talking about he loves murdering people or watch them get murdered.
I know right they have that look of fear frozen on their lifeless corpse as they are lying in a pool of their own blood