April 10, 2013

Hentai: Tsuma Shibori

Genres: , ,

1.53M 294



    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      That is exactly what I thought, poor vegetable guy.

      • I see black i see white and i see a #APOORGUY named #Anonymous Faggots

  • Skyurou-san 11 years ago

    Admin…. UNCENSORED tag pleeeeeeeaaase!!!

  • Nerdy 11 years ago

    Dammit why couldn’t he be with the other cooler chick

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I agree uncencored tag would be nice

  • mrsgtelliot 11 years ago

    glad he actually chose one of them for once

  • Someone 11 years ago

    I prefer Madoka… :( Sakura is a bitch!!!!!

  • SecretCommentator 11 years ago

    Hey I Dont Like Kosuke and Sakura,I Want Kosuke And Madoka

  • Shawn-X-Y-Z-BEAST 11 years ago

    i like a lot, mostly b’cuz unconcerned :)

  • Not bad like it

  • Anonymous Gentleman 11 years ago

    Ok, I think this website needs a vanilla tag. To those of you who are unaware of what that tag is, Vanilla is a type of hentai where two or more people are in love and everything about said hentai has a romantic and lovey dovey feel, and is normally cute. Types of tags that relate are tsundere, harem, and incest(wincest?). Take notice of this Hentaigasm. We need a vanilla tag.

    • VanillaLantern 11 years ago

      I approve of his message! Please post a Vanilla tag on Hentaigasm for me and my fellow Vanillians!

  • enton 11 years ago

    i like it

  • Jo12gar 11 years ago

    Yo wtf? Adim said the same thing I was about to say, I woould of choose both too, if I saw her walking away I would of been like ” wow your part of this family too”. That’s how and ending is made

  • Nymfo 11 years ago

    The childhood girl from the shop was the flyest of them all

  • Fuck!!!! Fuck you 11 years ago

    Kill you person who made the anime or hentai I mean Kosuke should have married Madoka instead of Offfff um I forgot her name but who cares. I mean literally she is way too old for Kosuke. In my opinion and Madoka is perfect for Kosuke. Stupid sister!!!!!!!

  • DerryJickles 11 years ago

    Aww… I feel so bad for that delivery guy. All he wanted was love D:

  • youdon'thavetoknowme 11 years ago

    my beloved admin *ehm
    please give the”uncensored” tag for the genres.. >,< i'm begging you

    *** and thanks for the vanilla hentai <3

  • Nexal 11 years ago

    Rules of Harem:
    1. Main character Get alot of hot girls
    2. Have alot of them fight over him
    3. The main character is gonna fall in love with the first girl he meet its a known fact

  • One slight comment, okay?
    Modaka-Better choice all oround idiot!
    Kesuke-Piece of shit character who cheets, plus his face seems strange to me.

  • BigBrack 11 years ago

    These all fuking negurs dey so brack, so gay shet is horribru

  • jenny 11 years ago

    Noooo he should have picked madoka or both like in d other harems this sucks man

    • BigBrack 11 years ago

      stfu jenny, u r gay.

      • can u spell? 11 years ago

        I think this is the 1st comment that he spelled correctly. Given that its hard 2 misspell “stfu jenny u r gay”

    • Agreed, -_- Modoka was much better anyway.

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