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[lol]Sex Ga Suki De Suki De Daisuki Na Classmate No Ano Musume 2 Subbed[/lol]
NTR is the one of the last things as to why this hentai sucks. It’s because as a whole we few one complete scene of the wife getting fucked by the teacher and then little tid bits for a few seconds every other time. Yeah the animation is pretty good, but you never get to really enjoy it. It’s like the studio purposely animated it this way to sell a part two but this time with a focus on the wife the whole time. Even Poro and Nur with their copy pasta of characters have more fulfilling scenes and that just rehashes animation a lot of the time.
My ex friend had something like that. Not so extreme but in the end… he married a virgin girl and when she discover sex, she changes… in a bad way: she became a sex addicted and… you can imagine the rest.
NTR is the one of the last things as to why this hentai sucks. It’s because as a whole we few one complete scene of the wife getting fucked by the teacher and then little tid bits for a few seconds every other time. Yeah the animation is pretty good, but you never get to really enjoy it. It’s like the studio purposely animated it this way to sell a part two but this time with a focus on the wife the whole time. Even Poro and Nur with their copy pasta of characters have more fulfilling scenes and that just rehashes animation a lot of the time.
i could give that a guy a peace of my mind in raping a man’s wife
I know all this is fake and made up but i hope no one gets a wife like that.
My ex friend had something like that. Not so extreme but in the end… he married a virgin girl and when she discover sex, she changes… in a bad way: she became a sex addicted and… you can imagine the rest.
kinda weird and unclear…