May 17, 2016

Hentai: Tsf Monogatari

Genres: , , , , ,

1.19M 138


  • i hate dis anime 8 years ago

    All dose niggas date ducked him are gay now so they mad a sheet.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    whose the dad?

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    this shit is probably normal. a girl with a dick marries a dude who turned into a girl.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    That waa a roller coaster of emotions

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Idk what yall think but, I’m a guy, and I think she’s pretty hot, I’d still fucking smash if I didn’t know, and even then I probably wouldn’t care, but I’m a sucker for chick’s with dyed hair

    • HodgeTwins 8 years ago

      My dick : fap fap. My brain: it’s a girl it’s a girl, my dick again: busting all kindz of nuts all kinds.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Busted so many nutts to this….no homo do

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    What the hell is this turn of events lmao

  • Hitler 8 years ago

    Ive never wanted to kill myself more than after watching this

  • I fap but my dick doesent feel good

  • Wet wigger (moist edition) 8 years ago

    I’m straight, and i could still get past the fact that this is a dude. Just dont think about it.

    Its easy because how feminine he is. But i aint a guy for traps. Unless its a watermelon

    • lol omega 8 years ago

      lol I forgot it was a dude. What I like most in hentai is the plot. Once he became a woman, my brain clicked and I only thought of him as a woman.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago


  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Wtf did I just watch this is the most weirdest shit that I have seen

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    This is Worse more than Horse Porn I Watch The other Day!!

  • truth sucks like fuck me right 8 years ago

    knew it from the first episode that chick gave new clothes an all saying it dont fit cuz she had a dick the real plot twist would be if he turns back to a dude then who will be laughing a that episode. I will!

    • Hentai Queen 8 years ago

      In the first episode she didn’t have a dick that’s what she went to the hospital for in this episode to get it

  • xX_Fiora_Master_13_420BlazeXx 8 years ago

    well…. saw the first episode , this one is little bit more fucked up

  • Thatoneguy 8 years ago

    It’s so fucked up yet good

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Finally got this! Great show.

  • Mr. BumperSticker 8 years ago

    This is scaring the shit out of me. Am I alive???

  • Lol cant get a boner to this thinking that she is a fucking he, its like you know jerking off to a guy….

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    The fuck did I watch?

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