February 26, 2013

Hentai: Triangle Blue

Genres: , , , , ,

2.29M 781

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  • SirFapsToDamnMuch 11 years ago

    Fap Fap Fap and my penis is dead fuck this shit I can’t get it up when I see someone being used and hurt to the very end. Well I guess this means I have a soul

  • kirby 11 years ago

    There’s nothing better than some hentai

  • Yurism 11 years ago

    Oh God just realized how i watched all but 7 videos on this site D: (I need to get a life T_T)

    • Wow watching hentai once a day is normal but to watch almost all the videos here, well bud you have to much free time. Im not criticizing you, just agreeing with your earlier comment.

  • Yurism 11 years ago

    If it was me i would have walked into the room right when they were about to cum and smash a chair over their heads, throw both of them out of the window and fuck the sister :3.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Fucked up. Never have I masterbated while being hurt inside. I couldn’t even come to this. I pity anyone who this is happening to. This is why I’m picky with girls.

  • The boy is a DA

  • black rage 11 years ago

    stfu pussy ass nigger whiners. go fap lap your 1 inch tims some where else. dont like it suck my dick stfu go die nigger babye cum bitch

    • Peter 11 years ago

      Shut up Meg.

    • Yurism 11 years ago

      No wonder your name is black rage. Telling people to stfu, yet your comment was the most annoying, also i bet you only 15 (Yeah i may be a no-life and fap to hentai but you are so immature)

      ~Learn your’ grammar ffs~

    • Anonymous 11 years ago


    • jack of blades 11 years ago

      “Nigger babye cum bitch” ? The fuck is that

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • So many pissed comments 11 years ago

    Everyone calm down it can’t be that bad (watches it) what the fuck how come no o e told me

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Okay Asato you’re a fucking clueless, bitch ass piece of shit. You deserve that. Still, it’s not your fault “your” girl is a slut.

  • fuck this 11 years ago

    id just kill the fuckin bitch

  • Still im not saying it’s right to cheat

  • I’m not saying I like this, but all he had to do to prevent this was have sex with her if ur married to someone and don’t have sex with them once in a while this is the outcome and that’s life nobody can control their sexual urges when they get too strong it’s a fact. if we could we wouldn’t be here fapping in the first place would we ?

  • Bleh.. 11 years ago

    This was the worst series ive ever seen… this kinda stuff makes me hurt inside…

  • I laughed

  • I call them indeed whores.

  • Calm the fuck down Maso…

  • fuck!!!!!!! shett!!! that girl…. what a big asshole slut!!!!

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Lmao at the comments

  • Attention 11 years ago

    How can I download this video

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