February 26, 2013

Hentai: Triangle Blue

Genres: , , , , ,

2.29M 781


  • Critic 11 years ago

    Im not sure why he didn’t just leave her if he knew. im not sure why most anime do this

  • just cheat on her? payback mothafocka!

  • im with you anonymous

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I feel so dam sorry for Asato and Ayumi that they had to suffer because of that bitchs stupidity and if I had a husband like Asato I would be so happy!!! Dam that fucken stupid n if I were Asato I will kick her out and marry Akanes sister Ayumi!!!

  • .............. 11 years ago

    i cant fap to this

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    that cheating bitch i wolud haves chocked here to deth

  • TeamH 11 years ago

    Lucky is myself/ I am in the team that fuck and leaves. Poor Asato, sorry buddy but hey if I screw her and she says i am better. Too bad deal with it.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I call complete bushit. 1.if I knew what she did I’m kicking her out 2.if you don’t beat that ass at least leave. PS: the apartment is in your name get out.cause she can’t pay t the bills. Oh yeah if you see either of them in the street slapem also before you leave fuck her sister

  • Boobylicious 11 years ago

    I’m so horny now. Can fuck me. Suck my tits

  • How to avoid getting angry over these NTRs? do what I do..
    Imagine an alternate ending and think it is the real ending…
    Her husband leaves him and after a few years they meet again, the husband having a new and decent wife and even more beautiful than old wife… the old wife was looking for a job cause she has no money… she said that the douschebag left him pregnant…. the husband leaves with her new wife and left the old wife… saying to her…. “I don’t like being lied to”. as the new couple leaves her, the old wife crying..
    >:D suck that YOU SLUT!

  • datguy 11 years ago

    easy just let her have her way if she becomes a slut just fuck the sister

  • This guy cannot get a break! His love life is so fucked up he might as well just kill himself and hope to get reincarnated back so he could have a fresh start….but sadly, in his new life, his girlfriend will get fucked by some dude and everything will fall to pieces…..:D

  • Might as well make sure every guy your girlfriend looks at is castated and a chasity belt wouldnt hurt though there is not much to protect here

  • Haha id definately have done that to him but never touched her and gone for the sister….in reality this has happenned to like 90% of adult relationships….

  • Dr.KillJoy 11 years ago

    İf something like this happens to you im telling u to GO AND KİLL THEM OR U CAN FUCK HER SİSTER İN FRONT OF HER. but first choise is better.

    • Fucking bitches 11 years ago

      Since most of the girls in my highschool are like this bitch i can confirm that the 1st choice is better,i’ll try the second one next time

  • Nigga911 11 years ago

    Fuck dat bitch

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Nigga dunmb as hell

  • alders 11 years ago

    what a pimp :D

  • im am so pissed off now, he gives tht bitch a second chance and she goes off doing it again!!! I woulda kicked her out!!!!! fuck you bitch!!!! _|_

  • ……..thx for meal. fapx69

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