February 26, 2013

Hentai: Triangle Blue

Genres: , , , , ,

2.29M 781

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  • D.R.S 10 years ago

    Whoever the freaking bastards that created this anime
    Should go and kill there selves in the where ever u end up at either heaven
    Or hell should make a time machine and make sure this video never estied
    Die you bastard die

  • Freedom077 10 years ago

    This is bullshit, Asato should fucking wake up already and don’t fucking trust anyone. Fucking Bs

  • bigboylarry 10 years ago

    Can there be a pt 3 to triangle blue because you ended with the boyfriend wife and sister having sex with a new student that had them in his gerp.

  • loool 10 years ago

    Gayest Boyfriend even fuck ALL SLUT OUT THERE Fuckkkk so fucked up

  • Don't Hate Bro 10 years ago


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    The little brother was a Mac he got them both but the boyfriend is an idiot

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    God I fucking hate cheating.. Got me all pissed off instead getting off..

  • Freedom077 10 years ago

    Wtf is this, what in the fucking world!!!

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I hate this shit it fucking irritates me how there fucking cheating and he just forgives her like wtf ughhh!!!!

    • GotTacos 10 years ago

      I know dude this bullshit Asato should’ve just use an RPG and blow up the whole goddamn apartment

  • I understand that it hentai but when a boy rapes girls that is just sad because they dont even try to stop him

  • Muffinator 10 years ago

    This god damn hentai got me so pissed of, my hard on died after 2 minutes.
    So much cheating, god. WTF THIS HENTAI ARCHTYPE SUCKS

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Jesus fucking Christ can any of you spell. I know this is a hentai website and whatever, but seriously. I’m trying to appear as a grammer Nazi, but look at the comments below and tell me that it doesn’t just irritate the fuck out of you.

  • Shiro_Neko 10 years ago

    Are you ok?

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    fucking bitch cheating on twice i would have kicked her out when i found out she was cheating

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I hate this hentai… So many bitch who just cheat everytimes… Just gonna hate this forever.

  • WilliamGunawan 10 years ago

    Lick my dick please

  • miyata 10 years ago

    Wanna fuck with me girls

  • bigdickwillie 10 years ago

    lesson learned cant turn a ho into a house wife

  • Anonymous2 10 years ago

    lol I find this anime funny as hell i can imagine the face of asato suffering gives me sexual arousal.

  • Iain'tEvenMad 10 years ago

    Perfect example why 3d girls are pd.

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