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  • Infamous Corner goblin 2 years ago

    Not very pog is all i can say there are no words to describe this

  • Sauce hunter 3 years ago

    Author is a crazy dipshit bastard why the innocent girl getting raped when she does nothing
    FUCK U Author

  • Anonymous 3 years ago

    Just saying I think I really want to stab the author I thought it going to be happy end but it make me feel shit

  • Anonymous 3 years ago

    Feels bad man, mc should either talk it out or leave

  • Anonymous 3 years ago

    Poor girl. She has been manipulated and have experienced so much that she is willing to go to the person she wanted to get away from just to have the same exact thing done to her again. She got so used to doing things rough that normal sex is not enough for her. The boyfriend should learn how to make her feel good or else she is gonna keep coming back to her manipulator.