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728.46K 17 169
[lol]Otome Juurin Yuugi Maiden Infringement Play 1 Subbed[/lol]
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First Liliana-san, now Anette too? Could the smile on my face get any wider?
Tired of pasty ass crackers thinking they’re better, you’re not, you’re just a lowlife racist piece of scum.
Racism is wrong but don’t regard white people with those insulting words because of the bad actions of a few racists white people.
That’s like saying “tired of these niggers thinking they’re better.”
Nigger will always be an ugly, vile and derogatory word incapable of reform. Using that word to insult blacks doesn’t just apply to violent or racist black people but to all black people. That’s what makes it racists just like your use of pasty ass crackers.
If you’re against racism, don’t be a racist yourself or even say racist things to dehumanize people.
Say tired of racist whites or white racists instead because there are white people who are racist but they’ll always be a small minority with no power who give whites and humanity a bad name.
But saying all whites are racists is a lie therefore would be racists. Or blaming all whites for the bad actions of bad white people would also be racists.
Most whites are cool but it’s their cool behavior not skin color that make them cool.
I can get saying it to a violent or racist black person but like you said that word isn’t changing it’s meaning anytime soon. Even insulting bad people with it, it’s just too much.
One of the few words in the world I’ll never say for it’s actual intent. I got more respectable and normal words to use. So that other shit isn’t even on my radar.
No I’m gonna fight racism with racism, look at Trump and the states, it’s CLEAR that the strongest racist wins. I am that strongest racist.
I fucking hate white weeaboo crackers like these dense little pieces of trash, their dicks are even SMALLER than their brains.
This is why no one wants you in the first fucking place. You’re so desperate to avoid black women that you call this clearly BLACK WOMAN “tan” but you’re fucking obsessed with our features….GROW A FUCKING BRAIN and WAKE UP.
It’s not okay that I’ve been forced into accepting your gross and ugly ass skin tone through the media and other observations but you won’t accept mine. So don’t hyou fucking call me a hypocrite bitch.
I have move right to be full of hatred and to be a racist than ANY WHITE MAN IN THE WORLD.
IN FACT, I am ENTITLED to this shit. Until the day you stupid fucks come together and collectively say “I love Black people” and MEAN IT FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR HEART (if you cruel itches even HAVE a heart), I am entitled to my fucking racism, so SHUT THE FUCK UP.
You dirty pieces of shit have pissed me off for the last time.
And if it were legal, I would kill and rob you fucking all; trust me.
You people are fucking toxic. Grow up and get a life. Get over yourself. You’re not that great and 99% of you are probably ugly as fuck in real life anyway. Do us all a favor, rather than being racist towards people with my skin color, how about you cut your throat instead? PLEASE.
bitches & assholes will always exist. thankfully these scumbags don’t rule society. well for the most part. fight for your freedom or die trying
also shut up about cutting throats. that’s stupid. no one who’s sane likes racism. don’t slum down, double down against racism, and be for equality under the law & of opportunity for all
I fight fire with fire; and let all the motherfuckers who don’t like it BURN. :)
Who the fuck said I was sane? I’m crfazy as fuck bruh; don’t forget, you don’t fucking know me and we have NADA in common.
If these piece of shit crackers want to be racist, and I feel that they should CUT THEIR THROAT, then it would be WISE for them to FUCKING DO WHAT I SAY and CUT THEIR FUCKING THROAT. SO don’t tell me to shut up you fucking asshole. FREEDOM OF SPEECH BITCHHHH.
Came here to fap and then I saw all of this shit
I exclusively like Asian guys, I hate everyone else, ew.
So for me this is a huge turn on. I love it.
I’m Black and a girl, and lol I find this so fucking hot. Hell yes.
Sweet, sweet, vanilla
Fuck girls ar thebonk.club
she’s just really tan. not bad tho
@Socialess bernie takes and blames you’re mad cringe
Happy Fapping, brother and sister in this lovely Valentine’s Day..
Love this style of animation
sometimes you want a nice wet black pussy and she about takes the cake. would never date one irl but would definitely want some if that’s what she is, a slut lol
God damn you’re cringe, brother!
God damn you’re cringe, brother!
acting like you could actually get a girl irl . You’re a fucking dweeb bro lool
even a dweeb like me has licked, kissed, sucked and fucked pussy
If she’s made of chocolate, that guy’s gonna live forever.
disgusting white kid, inferior race.
You guys are lame. You racists and your colors. Judge people by their character. You choose to be who they are. You don’t choose how you were born.
u mean “you choose to be who YOU are” but i get it
Cracker, white trash….hick
Your mother should have swiller you with her asshole and what you out on the side of the road. Racist keyboard warrior. And you can take a tram of trannies to the ass
That was the biggest nut I ever shot, chocolate girls are the bust
Um…….some interesting design choices were made here….. Is she made of goo?
Why is she black
that’s what the writer chose.
Cause black people exist and hack off too
I will kill you. Why are you white?
im not complaining or som since its free hentai but it was boring af but a least animation is good.