Seeking Refuge From The Rain 3D 5 Subbed
36.98K 1 14
[lol]Seeking Refuge From The Rain 3D 5 Subbed[/lol]
Restart 3D 1 Subbed
183.23K 19 73
Found this new 3D release and subbed it for you guys! [lol]Restart 3D 1 Subbed[/lol]
Seeking Refuge From The Rain 3D 3 Subbed
60.98K 3 11
[lol]Seeking Refuge From The Rain 3D 3 Subbed[/lol]
Nobody cares about this 3d shit bro, if you got nothing to upload don’t upload
I second this. No one is coming to this website for 30 second 3D clips. Everyone knows where those are and if they want to watch them, they will either way. It’s clear yall just using them as filler to keep the views rolling in from r3trds and kids who won’t know the difference. Either label them as such WITH their length on the thumbnail or get rid of them. You aren’t doing your brand any favors tricking people into wasting their time for a microscopic gain. A good brand image is priceless, you’re only leaving people with a sour taste with what you’re doing.
Its really annoying. Plus it shits up the home page, pushing the new hentai(what people are actually here for) down alot faster, just making it harder to find what you’re looking for.
3D comes every so often and the front page isn’t filled up with them at 1 a day, we’ll keep an eye out on them, it’ll likely slow down once we have some of the popular ones here. Good will with viewers is a delicate balance I definitely look into.