Two Childhood Friends Join The Swim And Track Team With Their Big Tits And Pussy And Ask Me So We Have Raw Creampie Sex Over And Over Again!! The Motion Anime 1 Raw
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[lol]Two Childhood Friends Join The Swim And Track Team With Their Big Tits And Pussy And Ask Me So We Have Raw Creampie Sex Over And Over Again!! The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
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[lol]Promise I Met Her Again After A Long Time She Already Has A Face I Dont Know The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
I’ve finished the timing for the /lol one, so Ryu, please choose the next one you want translated and if you can do the timing, we’ll finish the rest.
Probably my favorite one of all the motion anime on this site, Ayaka Konno 35 Is My Mother’s Best Friend, I think it’s 34 minutes and 14 seconds long so it should take me roughly an hour and 45 minutes at most to complete the timing for
That sounds good to me as well, I’ll use the software to rip the japanese text and let you know when it’s ready in /lol, likely tomorrow I’ll start on it.
Looking forward to it!
I’ve uploaded https://hentaigasm.com/lol with that motion anime, looks like over 500 lines needs to be timed, take your time. This time, no gaps between the lines should be better. Like stretching the line timing to have no gaps from one line to the other, and if any lines are not matching on the screen lines, just leave a blank line and I’ll add it in after, software sometimes miss a few lines, appreciate it! We’ll sub it after you’re done.
I will work on this tomorrow, something came up, but I am looking forward to doing the timing for this, my apologies, personal affairs
Appreciate you making the time, there’s no rush at all, we were taking a break on motion anime anyhow so anything you do is a huge bonus.
I have started on it, I did notice that the first line is scribed as “Fhe Motion Anime” I am correcting it and putting the proper characters in via my own resources, hope this helps!
Example: 今野絢香(35)は母の親友 added in replacement of “Fhe Motion Anime”
Yea not to worry, any blank spots that don’t match or the title we will do, it’s no issue at all. The timing is the the most time intensive thing in the whole process.
The timing is definitely going to take me longer on this one, but I will get it done, no worries
Another tip is keep your finger on the tab button, that plays and pauses so it’s easier than clicking play manually.
Oh, that will definitely be useful now, I have been using enter after pausing it manually with the mouse lol, thank you for the tip! Had to take a 30 minute rest due to carpal tunnel acting up lol
I apologize for the time it took me to finish the timing, it seems for a 34 minute video(with many problems in the script) took me just under 3 and a half hours total, balancing a business and then doing this on the side, but I will be happy to see these get translated so I am glad to do it where I have the time!
No need to apologize, without you it will not be translated in the first place. This definitely saved us over 2 hours of work! Appreciate it, we’ll let you know when we start the translating.
Sure I can do that, will have to start tomorrow though, need my sleep, will attempt it tomorrow
anytime is fine, we’re working on non motion anime updates in the mean time. Another tip is you can use control f to search and replace, we like to replace any [ or ( with empty space, and remove names
Why anyone would waste their time watching something so bland and boring is beyond me. This the kind of stuff made for teenagers.
lol different strokes my guy, why so pressed
Because vanilla is the devil! You hear me boy?
This is by far one of the better ones that have been released for motion anime, not only were there many different outfits, there were many different positions as well as a pregnant scene! This gets an easy 9.8/10 from me, I actually took the time to watch the whole thing as it was that eye-catching the entire time, very good stuff! I hope to see more like this in the coming future, but only time will tell!
To add on, I took the liberty of watching it a second time this time skipping through to see all the different outfits, I think I am going to take it upon myself to translate this one, it will be a hard journey but I think I can get it done in… about 3 days!
Hey if you wanna help the translation team, you can leave your email here and we can give you a software that makes it a lot easier, it can scan all the texts and make a text file with it. If you can help with the timing, we can translate it in under 2 hours. Most of the work is actually matching the text to the text on the screen haha, and the email won’t be public.
Apologies for the late reply, we all need sleep, I did reply with my email and as you stated it does not show publicly, I think I will go your route instead, you just need the time stamps for the text and that will make translating easier, is that correct? I had already translated roughly 12 minutes of it, but I am pretty sure 20% of my translation is wrong as I cannot tell if it’s Kanji or Hitagana! Lol
I gave it a day and a half and received no email, I will continue translating it myself for the time being, I’ll add time stamps + original text and translated in my post if I finish before receiving an email
Sorry we’re working on some problems, we likely won’t translate this one anyhow, will email once it’s fixed. And I personally really appreciate your offer of help, of course if you want to try it and see it’s too hard, we’d understand too.
Well to be fair, I actually translated the first 10 minutes in 2 hours, so it wouldn’t actually take 3 days, if I didn’t get bored in-between, I will resume it in a few hours and probably finish by the 72 hour mark
I was very busy, so I am only half way done now, but I should have the rest of today off, will finish translating it before end of day today, stopping for sleep at time frame 20:13
If you’re such a hard worker, it would be a great help. From our testing, a 30 minute motion anime takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to do the timing.
Actually could you try one to see if it’ll work well? Use this link for a raw japanese sub file,
along with the video, and use this website to do the timing if you can: https://www.happyscribe.com/subtitle-tools/online-subtitle-editor/free
on happyscribe, add the japanese srt, along with the motion anime, and match the bottom subs to the subs on the screen, might take 2 hours, but let me know if it seems doable or any questions. We check comments a lot so don’t worry, we’ll be here.
We actually need some help doing this full time, so if you think it’s doable, we can come into some arrangement! Like if there’s any motion anime you want translated, if you do half the work, we do the translation.
Funny enough I just finished translating it but it’s so rough of a translation lol, I know a lot of it is correct, but 20% of it is probably wrong
36,154 characters and counting, my arm, and eyes are tired now so I am gonna take a break away from it but I did open those links and have the srt up on the website, will try it in a couple hours
You weren’t using happyscribe to sub? What do you use? Happyscribe is likely easier, we use it for all the subs here, please make sure to match the japanese to the on screen japanese because sometimes it’s not a match or cut short. And only the timing, translation we’ll do when you’re done.
I did it all on notepad and specifically pausing the video in timed increments(working harder not smarter LOL) I will do it with the website in a bit
Wow that’s dedication!
I have run into a bit of a dilemma, somewhere along the lines of timing, I ended up being 9 seconds behind script vs video, and am getting a little bit lost
You mean with this current post? When you get a chance to do the one in /lol let us know, no rush!
Apologies yes I meant in /lol somewhere, somehow I ended up 9 seconds behind during timing, might just start over, and do it combine first, timing second so I don’t get lost on the happy scribe website
If I were to post my translation from my notepad, it would take I don’t know, 8 different replies to post it lol, a huge wall of text basically
If you have a translation for this one, you can upload it to https://www.file.io/ and we can put it up too.
We got the file, appreciate it but without the timestamps matching like an srt format, it can’t be used, let see how the /lol one comes out! After timing is done, export with happyscribe in srt and it should be the right format so I can encode it onto the video.
I have run into another dilemma, I merged two paragraphs but one didn’t need to be merged, however when I un-merged them it’s stuck at the wrong time, even when I change it, it reverts back to the same time, not sure what to do here…
I’ve never used the merge, when 2 lines are similar due to the software that scans the japanese lines and transcribes them, remove one line and drag the longer one to fit with the screen text’s timing. Usually the second line is longer since the software sometimes reads half the line first before the whole thing.
To start over, add a new file. Also there’s that redo button the left arrow, that’s helpful, if you do get stuck somewhere just move on since I will check the timing and make last minute changes before translations anyway, a rough draft will save me an hour or two and is a big help. The only reason we’re not doing more of these is cuz I’m too lazy to do the timing part.
Okay! I misunderstood what you were asking for previously, now I get it, you want me to try it on this 20 minute video first, before I can try on this or other videos, I apologize for misunderstanding, I can properly get this 20 minute video done very quickly now that I know the text will now add up hahaha!
Ooh I see, alright let see how that 20 min one goes, and you’re welcome to pick the next one, do to timing and we do the translation!
You got it! Should have this one done in the next 45 minutes then
Great, upload the srt to file.io and we’ll probably translate it tomorrow, it’ll be a nice release.
We got the file, it looks good so we might translate it today, we’ll update you on how it goes, ty so much!
Glad to hear it, first time using that program so I was definitely out of my comfort zone, but once I got used to it, it was very simple!
I took a look and you did great! It’s matching very closely so I’ll go over it once before handing it off to the translator, this saved me an hours work! A small tip is use the plus and minus button on the bottom left to zoom in on the time line, that’ll match timing easier, and for this type of video there doesn’t need to be any gaps between the lines, as on the screen there isn’t any blank space between lines, and fullscreen the browser helps me do it better too!
I think you have a knack for this haha, took me a while to get used to using this scribe site.
I appreciate the positive feedback, I am glad I was of help, and hope to be of more help going forward! I can absolutely work on the timing and subs of each and every motion anime that hasn’t already been translated whenever, I manage my time very well so I will be able to help when I can
I started a new comment thread on top, please choose the next one as a reward
When I try to just start over it retains previous data, so I will try to clear cache, I might just be a little tired but it is definitely not letting me change the time for it
So I just checked the SRT, it’s for a different animation, that’s why things weren’t adding up, looked wrong etc. the clearing of the cache did fix my original problem though
the srt on /lol seems to be correct, for the video on /lol, it should be a 20:31 video and srt has the last line at 20:30 witih 329 lines, correct?