Yumemiru Otome 2 Subbed
277.45K 32 65
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Greatest Slut Ever.
Nah she a hoe
I’d fuck that beautiful whore
The first cheating hentai that I ever watched, I still remember feeling dead inside by the end, ahhh my childhood
Fax bro shit got fucked up
She’s better off with hino. At least he accepts who she is
Accepts her as what? A dirty whore who can’t be loyal?
Totally a slut
Hino kun talk about saint kun at least he’s better than that ugly old man thank God he killed him but feel bad for the husband hope he hooks up with someone else and leave her or swallow it all up and live with her
Yare Yare Daze
The dialogue from this part made me shoot my freaking head off. Who the hell even wrote the script for this ?
what other hentai is like this?
I really hope that black haired bitch gets hit by a train
I think everyone hates this bitch….I hope her husband hits the lotto.
It’s funny how she’s sure the baby is her husbands.
this one and eps 3 totally different
Well the animation is great and turns you on, but the story.. :v
She needs to shut right the fuck up for like 5 seconds
Go kill you self Mrs Bitch, your life is over, be shameful, its all your fault for not doing any thing about it.
That fucking fat idiot, I want to beat him up and distroy all his Camara with videos, then I will break his God dam cock until he cant use it any more. And what the hell are those bitch doing, If something like that ever happens, the first thing you do is tell your idiot husband or even the pulice, NOT KEEP DOING IT UNTIL YOUR FUCKING PREGNANT.
Because why the hell not.
OVERALL SUMMARY (so you don’t have to read all that shit down there)
Do you like women wetting themselves? Feeling humiliated or ashamed? Being forced to have sex with their female siblings? Cheating? Do you have an absurdly powerful cheating kink? Does cheating turn you on?
Then go for it.
Art: 5/5
I am rarely impressed by hentai art, but I am with this one. It looks older, and a bit rougher, but I think those two things helped the smooth animation. Additionally, I like how the scenes are cut, as so that you can see sweaty bodies moving together, not just scenes with globs of censored genitals moving abstractly in concordance cutting to the woman’s face as she wails about cumming and pussies and dicks.
Animation: 4/5
It was nice and smooth, not choppy or that weird animation where the anatomy moves but the art doesn’t change. I hate that. I really hate that. Anyways, sweet animation, but only a 4/5 because the actual sex (as in, dick going in and out) practically had to be inferred by the constant juice splashing.
Censor: 3/5
A 4/5 would’ve been the coveted censor where you can practically see everything, with just some mild discoloration; a 5/5 would’ve been none at all no duh; a 2/3 would’ve been that really terrible blocky censor that covers most of the upper thigh as well as the nether parts. I guess a 1/5 would be black bars or something, I dunno. Anyways, what this means is the censor is perfectly average: it lets you see enough to get what’s going on, but you can’t see every throbbing vein or drop of vaginal lubricant.
Plot (erotic plot, I mean, of course not the real plot, that would be dumb): 4/5
Pretty good set up, not much foreplay, definitely one of those ones that flings you into the sex whether you’re ready or not, though I appreciate that there’s plenty of time for each sex scene without going overboard. I definitely recommend if cheating is your kink, or filming, because those were the big ones; if you came for the yuri/toys/boobjob, all of those had very small roles. In addition, this had the rape where the victim is mostly whining about how good it feels, so if you were seeking any actual resistance, I recommend seeking elsewhere.
Was This Hot? Cause Sometimes Something Will Have All The Components And Still Not Be Hot:
Yes, it was rather hot. I mean, it’s not anything to drop your pants over (heh), but it will definitely finish you off nicely if that’s what you need.
Anal: One scene, though hot I suppose. It would’ve been virtually the same had the sex not actually been done in the anus, but the vagina. It was just very weakly insinuated.
Blowjob: A bit of the ganging scene, though a very minute part of the show.
Boobjob: Once again, small part, one scene.
Yuri: one scene. Hot, some scissoring, which I appreciate, and then a weird dual-dildo that I have never seen anywhere else but was used very effectively.
Sex Toys: See above. That was it.
Rape: Not to sound too repetitive, but as I mentioned above, this was the one where the victim behaved more like a porn star than a victim, then complained about it later, never mind any plausible mental scarring that might’ve occurred.
Cheating: Big big one for cheating. That was all there was, pretty much. If that’s your kink, this is your show.
There was quite a bit of peeing, and a bit of incest. Though these each had one scene, they both certainly played greater roles than sex toys or anal.
What do you think? I will likely never look at this again, so you will mostly complain to an empty forum. But you can always hope.
You wrote a review for a hentai, well good review
U forgot gang Bangt
I hate this hentai and the one where she cheats with the neighbour. She is so disgusting how she cheats over and over not to mention inside her husband’s house. She is the worst kind of women.