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Enjoy this subbed and HD! Thanks to Sakuracircle. We didn't sub this but will the next round of new releases! [lul]Boku Ni Harem Sefri Ga Dekita Riyuu 4 Subbed[/lul]
at least he gets killed by her new guy in the next episode so we can feel a little less bad for getting a rager
I never asked for these feels…
don’t worry i’ll hide the jar of cat eyes for you <3
who wants some?
I hate your retarded name and no
that guy in the beginning….pervier than pervy if i dosay so myself
In all honesty, there are two categories of erections: The “Love” Erection and the “Lust” Erection. When I watch really Vanilla and sweet Hentai, then I have a “Love” erection; with a love erection, I do not masturbate. When I see NTR and the like, then I have a “Lust” erection; with a lust erection, I do masturbate.
Shit doesn’t matter to me I beat my meat to anything that’s porn material.
beat my meat, i havent heard that one before. Nice
That’s not a new phrase, beat my meat has been around for decades.
you’re totally right, but sometimes the NTR is very cruel and at least you lost the lust
No, just no… That’s all I have to say to make you understand. K? It’s no. That’s final.
that old man a ninja ..
I dont like watching rape :(
Check tags next time…. unbased scrub (FailFish)
Is not rape.
As time passes, I’m most likely sure that people grow resilient towards this genre of hentai. I mean, we all know it’s made up and it’s not real, “ya da ya da ya da”, but still feel very emotional towards the subject at hand; rape. We all know it’s very awful, but this genre is for enjoyment. It’s not meant to dive into human morality and principles.
It seems a lot of commenters dont understand the length to which asian modesty can go… or how difficult it can be to tell someone that you’ve been raped. Im not asian, and im about the farthest thing from modest, but after being raped, the only person I felt I could tell was my best friend.. I never reported it to the police… I did learn that its okay to talk about it, once I decided I wasn’t going to be the victim any more, letting it controll and bring me down, but that took years. – however, im sure if I had any sort of commited relationship, id have told my partner…
With srs bidness aside, rape hentai is awesome n haters should just stop wasting their time watching n commenting. Go watch your romance hentai, where dick smells like roses and snatches are delicate flowers.
Hmmm… thats an idea… dick smelling like roses would make giving head 10x more enjoyable.
With you till about the end. personally I don’t enjoy rape, and I’m fine with you asking peeps to stop watching and commenting; so people who do enjoy don’t take those comments as legitimate. However, your really just a hypocrite by slamming Vanilla. I know it doesn’t happen this way often, but I think that we would be better off without haters on either side.
i used to hate rape but now im alright with it
We’re all Eric something whatever his name is.
We’re all Eric something whatever his name is.
fuck this
So the bitch cheats on her husband and then she complains that she cheats on her LOL What a SLUT