September 21, 2013

Hentai: Soredemo Tsuma Wo Aishiteru

Genres: , , ,

2.17M 403


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Good for you now why don’t you get lose and let us watch what we want

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    you will go to hell for watching things like this. i am a man of god and i am spreading the word to stop watching hentai/porn. repent its not to late

  • Unknown 10 years ago

    Dafaq did i just watch? hate this video.

  • I'm going to 10 years ago

    i’m going to car-fuck your mother sry.

  • Car-Fuck 10 years ago

    The Car-Fuck scene was amazing, I still hate how it’s rape though, too bad, and the woman is so hot.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    fucking stupid

  • Why most of the hentai are based in rape? I hate that

  • A-taro 10 years ago

    Fuck, this is just depressing.

  • randy 10 years ago

    DA fuq did I just watch

  • ihaterape 10 years ago

    this is bullshit I couldn’t even watch the whole thing that sick bastard deserved to be shot

  • gjkvyinnj 10 years ago


  • DUHFUQ 10 years ago

    anime porn is so stupid…chick gets raped but doesnt make an effort to resist or call the police or tell anyone…the logic…

    • Miss Cums Alot 10 years ago

      It’s called he’s blackmailing her. :I He video taped them fucking and using that against her,

      • Anonymous 10 years ago

        Okay, she got raped. She can just tell the police once he lets her go. Say “this guy at this apartment right next to mine raped me, and told me to meet at this location.” The fact she went meant she liked it. This shit only happens in hentai.

        • Anonymous 10 years ago

          Your mentality is the reason why 90 % of rape are not reported.
          And only half the rape reported goes through trial.

          Your just doing victiom shaming saying it’s the woman fault, etc …

    • guocaili 10 years ago

      So, that’s not gonna happen in real life. Just for “fun”.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Is the site having problems? Usually I insta charge videos….It laggs a lot these days, it’s very strange for this site

  • Sirzechs Azazel 10 years ago

    NTR… Nothing to do here… *grabs jetpack and leaves without making insulting comments like everyone should*

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    If you enjoy rape even if it’s hentai then you are bound to be a sick fuck sooner or later

    • If you like FPS games you’re bound to shoot up an elementary school. If you watch movies with violence and gore you’re going to turn into a serial killer. If you like certain types of porn involving imaginary characters you’re a sick fuck.

      If you have a functioning brain you’ll come to the conclusion this logic is pants on head retarded, and that anyone who uses such logic should off themselves so their future spawn doesn’t taint the gene pool.

  • someone 10 years ago

    if thats how they kiss goodbye at the begining.. THEN DAYUMM.

  • vivian 10 years ago

    fuck !i hit the UNCLE!

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    she got it to easy

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    love the rape keep it up

  • Seriously rape with cheating?! Fuck this shit. >:o

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