Hatsukoi Jikan 6 Subbed
152.42K 28 34
Subbed on Hentaigasm only! Bookmark us for more! [lol]Hatsukoi Jikan 6 Subbed[/lol]
Chinetsu Karte The Devilish Cherry 2 Subbed
823.33K 118 277
[lul]Chinetsu Karte The Devilish Cherry 2 Subbed[/lul]
Imaizumin Chi Wa Douyara Gal No Tamariba Ni Natteru Rashii 3 Subbed
358.45K 12 89
Translated 1 hour after release! Check daily for the newest hentai subbed day 1! [lol]Imaizumin Chi Wa Douyara Gal No Tamariba Ni Natteru Rashii 3 Subbed[/lol]
Honokas Diary Sweet Memories 3D 1 Subbed
58.75K 6 18
[lol]Honokas Diary Sweet Memories 3D 1 Subbed[/lol]
still gonna say this all could’ve been avoided if SHE TOLD SOMEBODY but just like all rape animes there just to stupid to do that one simple thing
fuck rape hentai man this really fuck people minds up
Lol your funny apparently you have not seen.school days
That is fucking evil
Gotta admit School Days fuckin sucked, almost any ntr hentai is better than that shit :/
How so?
Watch and youll know, its bit boring though
Sad to admit but euphoria is better than that and I fucking hate euphoria
Comentario en español salvaje aparece! (a wild comment in spanish has appeared!)
Okay that made my day lol
Haha fuck you for being funny at the wrong time…. They need to make a sequel where the female comes back and castrates the guy
The female character looks nice. Thank god there’s 3 episodes to this series.
suck my dick
More rape!
Wooot new uploads I thought you guys died.
Stop with the rape ITS REALLY F******* ANNOYING
Then don’t use this site? If you don’t like it why are you still coming here?
This site barely has variety. I don’t mind rape but there’s a thing called over saturation
Think of it as surprise fuckings
Um yeah but even a surprise if seen enough can to get old
same but rape + cheating = FUCK THIS VIDEO
fuck bitch as rape shit african babies. tis menglish in the commetns to gud my engrish is goreat i alwzy win girl pussy up dae ass; hole
Ignorant fuck… Die :D
Fucking hate the old man
rape and cheating again. it hurt me a lot.
rape is 69% fine and is still turn me on but after the cheating, all the on turn i have is turn into sadness. that why i hate cheat the most. if you ask me why, think about your self if your girlfriend,wife or someone you love the most has cheat on you. “how do you feel?” if you can answer that, that will be your own safety for the future. (i am not watch it but thank for the post. i guess the people who have no feeling like it a lot)
that does not make sense. You can able the same logic to rape. If you were raped or someone you care about got raped you would be pissed/depressed. So do not give me that “you do not have feeling” because you do not care about animate characters getting rape/cheated on.
Both rape and cheating are horrible. Stick with harem. Harem is always nice.
Harem is BORING after a while. It’s Soft vanilla sex and 1 character who he tricks into liking it lmfao. Boring and predictable. All of the scenes are the same. In the note and rape and cheating genre the plots are the same but there is a variety of places they have sex. It’s a lot more hardcore. Mind break is always hot and this is coming from a female.
Don’t mind rape hentai; it’s not real and there’s -usually- not much characterization. but show me a loving relationship and I’ll feel like shit for the characters.
That’s the reason i hated grope. Grope has characterization and rape, only hentai i couldn’t watch to the end.
Oh man I don’t empathize with imaginary characters, must mean I’m horrible and heartless.
O god i am heartless too NOOOO
balls deep in feelings.
You guys are hilarious! Not sure if it was your intention to be funny, either way it was. It’s not that I care either way about the rape, or cheating. Applying real life logic only causes rage boners. Feelings, or not you know you got off to the blurred private parts, and English subtitles. DIDN’T YOU!?
Rage boners is my new favourite phrase.
Once I had a rage boner. I banged this chick named your mom. Anger sex is the best.
like this
Thx u was waiting for this
this is awesome
I mean for some reason seeing rape turns me on more than a romantic couple… Fml hentaigasm changed me T.T
I’ve been there.
You’re not alone, man. I prefer graphics to story line. Rape all the way.
These rape videos are crowding too much
Don’t like it, don’t watch it and don’t complain. You never see people with a rape fetish bitch and whine on vanilla vids. Also who the fuck waits for hentai, there is an endless amount of porn of every genre. Fucking Google that shit, idiots.
Its called an opinion. If you don’t like it, take your own advice, and watch your fetish somewhere else. Rofl
No, it’s people like you being obnoxious cunts. “Hurr durr stop liking what I don’t like, waaa”. Get over yourself.
So all you have to do to get sex is video tape a girl pee?
man i can disband my belief somewhat but hentai is getting dumber and dumber every day
you’re right i like it. good job
Bring back normal hentai not this bullshit of Hebraic screw rape and cheating