March 20, 2013

Hentai: Shion

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1.03M 440

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  • Part 5 (ish) 10 years ago

    She is not dead! The teacher saves her life. This can be seen in the bonus episode.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Worst Ending Ever.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I came for the hentai. I stayed for the story. Epic ending

  • konata5 10 years ago

    so it had a bad ending wow i liked it before the end i should have just stopped watching at the school gates

  • Bigpapa 10 years ago

    Where can I find Mistreated Bride in English sub!?

  • I_hate_rape 10 years ago

    That was a terrible and being

  • I_hate_rape 10 years ago

    I only like rape when they pretty much already like each other

  • infinity is on my hit list niggaaaaa

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Holy crap for once I kinda feel like shit, I liked shion. When it comes to rape or cheating I don’t bitch like everyone one else, but this damn why did shion had to die shit that ain’t right, the fuck man serious the…fuck…

  • Hentai Demon 10 years ago

    whywould you kill your own sister, you worthless piece of shit.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Shion killed infinity first. So, idk maybe infinity killed shion because revenge? Ur fucking retarded

  • Christine ❤️ 10 years ago

    This is just so yummy ;0

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Make another idc if its hentai or not just kill that biatch infinity

    • Infinity is just mad because she doesn’t have big tits like the rest of the dolls. She also never got raped because she’s too manly. Infinity secretly wishes to be pounded into submission by Hiroki aka top dog Geist.

  • The Whistler 10 years ago

    Where is the bonus ep at?

  • frostking 10 years ago

    saw the bonus episode I thought it was crap

  • frostking 10 years ago

    this killed the mood

  • boober 10 years ago


  • Shion 10 years ago

    dont worr she will come back to life in the bonus episode

  • Danm u infinity. i want to kill you my damn self now and shove your dick in your mouth and make you beg for killing my sweet and cute little shion. I will hunt your dreams and makeu regret ever being made into this hentai.
    this was the best one that i had ever watched and u killed it. when hiroki finds out abiut this your days will be numbered because he will kill you so bad, there wont be no rest in peace for u but only death

  • Jin ^+^ 10 years ago

    I ended up actually watching this like a normal anime lol. But wtf why did she have to die?! Bring her back to life or some shit you can’t do that !! T~T

  • Going 4 It All 10 years ago


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