August 9, 2013

Hentai: Shiofuki Mermaid

Genres: , , , , ,

1.60M 267


  • I will slay all of you foolish Hethans.

  • Love you foolish commenters seeking attention so you act as though you’re having a conversation when in reality you’re posting for 2 people.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I wish they would of made more then just 1 episode. This hentai is good

  • armin d 10 years ago

    Goodnight everyone

  • Here’s a link if it works

  • Sounds even better

  • Kirito139 10 years ago


  • I will fuck everyone!!

  • Used ,to be Panties/Sex Crazy Man. 10 years ago

    Love to watch Hentia & Finger Ur Pussy.

  • This Girl Loves Hentai 10 years ago

    Loved the hentai an all but why are the girls cumming sparkles? O.O

  • Space Dandy 10 years ago

    Hmmm…. It seems You don’t know me very much Locust Drone Maybe when you have the time when you’re not in the mood to watch Hentai Try Watching my Anime And You’ll Get Instantly Hooked up with it Baby… By The Way My anime Is Called “Space Dandy” Its really popular right now So Watch it Baby…

    • Locust Drone 10 years ago

      I don’t want to sound like a grammar nazi,but what did you want to say/write back there ?

      • Space Dandy 10 years ago

        Well What I’m saying is that calling anyone “baby” Is kinda a quirk for me

  • Space Dandy 10 years ago

    What the hell are you guys watching? These are just things that Unpopular guys and Creepy dudes Watch Why not just Imitate me, Chicks just beg me to be with them Baby…

    • Locust Drone 10 years ago

      Because we are introverted humans who are sickened by retarded douchebags like you,that’s why.And because we also have jobs to sustain ourself and because we want a little bit more than just plain sex with some chick.

      • Used ,to be Panties/Sex Crazy Man. 10 years ago

        We are all here to make Naughty Friends & Have Naughty Fun

        • Locust Drone 10 years ago

          Reply to me one more time you fucktard,and I’ll rip your fucking intestines,boiled them down and feed the street dogs with them.

          • Space Dandy 10 years ago

            Jeez Lighten up someone should give this a guy a trip to boobies so he could live the rest of his days less introverted

            • Locust Drone 10 years ago

              Sorry,I just hate to see stupid comments from that moron all over this site.All he’s doing is making idiotic messages about cock,pussy and all the other irrelevant bullshit.And I apologise for being such an introverted guy.

              • Space Dandy 10 years ago

                No Worries, Baby and I kinda Agree With you that guy really has Issues…

              • Locust Drone 10 years ago

                Whoa,whoa,take it easy with the “Baby” part,after all I’m an almost full grown,25 year old man.

              • Locust Drone 10 years ago

                Oooh,I mean 25 year old drone from the locust army. :D

              • Used ,to be Panties/Sex Crazy Man. 10 years ago

                All Girls 18 & older I Love to eat Pussy & I have a Hard
                Cock 4 U right now.

  • SexyGirlHere 10 years ago

    Ohhhh….Shhhh,I wanna sex with someone…. Ohhhh , Shhhhh…

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    My pussy is dripping OMG I’m masturbating right now

  • Anonymous 10 years ago


  • Anonymous 10 years ago


  • Naughty Man 10 years ago

    Its all Good.

  • Naughty Man 10 years ago

    Very Cool I am so Horny.

  • The Dand there is at least like 3 more new girls but in the it becomes a harem ^^ but.... eh I kinda like hinako in general out of all the girls.arkness 10 years ago

    they could’ve made more episodes like 4 or 5 because I saw the eroge game of this and there is like 3 more new girls and I like out of all the girls Hinako sad they didn’t continued it :/

  • squal 10 years ago


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