That was not easy to sub! Only for you viewers!
Bookmark us, we’re subbing the new releases now!
That was not easy to sub! Only for you viewers!
Bookmark us, we’re subbing the new releases now!
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Hey admin do you know when the new releases for August are going to come out will it be by tomorrow or Friday since the releases come out a week after the initial date
We have never known even once when new things come because its up to a random person who uploads them online, he may be on time or off by quite a bit
Not trying to be inpatient but it says they are working on the new releases yesterday are they going to start coming out today or tomorrow I don’t care if there is no subtitles yet just curious on when they are releasing
That was referring to the last round of releases, this is only on top because it’s updated in HD
Damn L animation its dog might as well just stick to the dounjin lol
Why do people care about the new releases having sub titles let them upload the raw version of the new releases then wait patiently for the subs
Yea we usually post the raw in the mean time, it doesn’t take much time
Ruined by queen bee
great job by the voice actress
10:19 foreshadowing frame
this is fcking masterpiece!
I believe the studio who animated this is pink pineapple
Nice! How Cook This Hentai?
Why do they always make them fat and ugly
Seiyoku Tsuyotsuyo The Animation
Atleast he got better personality than you
You guys are the best
It’s one of the best manga/doujin I read!!
for real
I relate to bro so much remember this girl used to bully me she didn’t no I had a 10inch until she saw me bricked in swimming class where are together now good times
I feel bad for those with small dicks lol. I’m normal sized which is 6 . But I’d still like mine to be bigger.
If your girl is only with you because of your dick size, you got a shitty nasty whore. Yes there are skanks who will leave you cause you’re not big enough, but if that’s the case, you wouldn’t want her anyways cause she’s a shallow whore. That’s a small percentage tho, and shit like this hentai are played up, it’s rare. But, Love doesn’t care about that trivial shit, if you find true love,it won’t matter if you got a small dick, there’s a million ways you can pleasure a girl. And it’s something you work on together. Don’t feel bad small dick guys, there’s someone out there for you. Find a women who loves you’re heart and soul and the rest won’t matter. -an average dick guy who hasn’t found love.
What a lovely speech there. Truly I love every word you let out. However you chose the wrong place to give out this love preach. A website that’s designed for give people lustful images and don’t care. And there’s a list of reason why anyone would come here. But to me love is the true rare element. Because they’re limited ways to build that love one on one. But there’s a billion ways where it’s all for nothing. Mostly that’s human nature. And here’s the question most people ask. Why do people choose lust over love. And the answer is basically simple. The same reason why someone chooses a side they believe is greener. We have uncontrolled desires to feel comfort of better benefits. And never care about what’s happening all around. Which is why real love doesn’t exist the way we want them to. Finding love means is like finding a diamond in a coal. So long as the words liars, betrayers, murders and violators exist. So will despair and hatred will be born. Love in this universe and its very definition will be twisted beyond imagination. Love is a strong bond, yet it’s some that can be served so easily.
WHAT a place to diskuss such topic. Love being the true rare element is what most people don’t get. They assume that nearness, habits of living together and friendship is Love. Where true love should be soulmates, where you would die for your belowed one if necessary and serve that person from your heart ….
got carried away. Snap back to reality, ope, there goes gravity
This video damn good some primal instincts ultimate breeding fantasy LOVE IT (or should I say like ;)
No matter how big you are unless you’re like 8-10+ you wish it was bigger. If you’re in that 6-8 zone and girthy you’ll be fine for 98% of women, including the whores. Even a bit too big on the higher end for most liking. Don’t sweat it bro. You’re in the 70% percentile or so. Also, having a 8 inch dong doesn’t help if you’re ugly, speaking from experience. Not a brag, actually sad af. I’d rather be smaller and good looking. Instead I’m an IRL gymcel orc.
The average vaginal depth is 3.6 inches, so regardless what size penis you have, you can pleasure just about any woman if you know what you’re doing, 2-5 inches is fine 6-8 inches is a good ratio, 8 inches or more is usually something most women will avoid due to discomfort of it being “too big”, remember, it’s not about the size, it’s about the technique, how you use it, also if you can get the woman to climax, cum, orgasm before insertion, then it really wouldn’t matter what size you have, you’ve already got her hooked on you.
I think what were all forgetting here is, it’s really the huge vaginas fault. I was with one women that I could fight my entire arm, up to my elbow inside her, how tf am I supposed to follow that. So less small dick shaming and more huuuuge vagina shaming.
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Y’all trippin. The fuck are you gonna do if you got a 10 cm meat stick but you lack the technique nor can’t communicate with your partner. Doesn’t matter if you have a 4, a 6 or an 8, as long as you’re in sync you can even make a whore cum multiple times. Real life ain’t fucking hentai dudes, those misconceptions about women will ruin you so get your heads out of the gutter and find real life trustworthy friends
I think it was the same studio with sefure senpai,why don’t use that kind animation
Hey admin have you seen “二人の義妹にムラムラしてたら
取り返しのつかない事になってしまった!” on any of the sites you peruse by chance? I have been searching to find the full motion comic as I do not want to put my CC on DL site, I don’t trust it lol
Never mind, I deleted the second set of kanji and was able to find it in the search, funny that
i hate ntrs so much but when the boyfriend is a massive cunt, i like em. is that weird or nah
Nope it’s all good
For once I agree. But it would be more enjoyable if the boyfriend saw the truth himself.
nah its funnier if he doesnt know, ignorance is bliss for him and seeing him act arrogant still is funnier
i agree with you 100%