3.76M 682


  • The thing about ntr is that this was done in history were if you pissed of some one of a higher status as you are someone was your rival or enemy they would pretty much do what they do in ntr with the guys wife sister daughter heck maybe even his mother to try and drive him insane but the difrence bewteen the hentai and history is that the guys that got this done to them got there revenge somehow or died trying

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Yeah about when you say that when a girl rapes a guy is not different from a guy raping a girl I would have to highly disagree with you R because I think it’s funny as hell that a guy gets “raped” and in some anime the guy is enjoying himself. But the administration needs to stop uploading all rape hentai and venture into the brighter and funnier consensual variety of hentai

  • Rondell Beene 11 years ago

    okay just to point out like 2 or 3 things this sick shit that ppl just watched ( i didnt & wont ) is a fetish there are dudes who get off being treated like a bitch & having there woman fucked by other ppl ( getting rapped & or by groups for the more extreme ones ) so the MC will never man up in these NTR hentai’s cuz if he did ntr cant exist not that anyone cares but i was raised to be a real man so there wont be any1 taking pussy from me nor will i share any thats gross if you want other men to fuck ur woman you have homosexual tendencies which is fine im not hating…. I dont so i catcn watch porn with the dick to pussy ratio higher than pussy to dick nor ntr shit cuz im a man so just dnt watch if you dont support ntr it will go away vanilla out numbers ntr

    • Vanilla does out number ntr but it does not out number rape hentai and I hate when people say they hate rape hantai when vanilla is usually a girl raping a guy they like and usually the guy likes that girl or the other way around and ntr is not as bad as it seems because half of these people watch hentai were the main character likes this girl and the girl is going out with someone else and the main character decides to rape the girl and in the end they end up together and it is still considered vanialla ntr is not far from that it’s just we get to see the stealing happening from the other side and people stop bitching about a hentai that’s ntr look it up before you watch it or read coments and stop bitching about ntr if you don’t like it I never hear people who like ntr bitching about vanilla

      • Rondell Beene 11 years ago

        hey i lean more towards vanilla and i have my own ideas why most HARDCORE vanilla fans are as you say R…. its because of the double standards the world has placed on us ( key & lock ) we all know this is fiction & fantasy but “i cannot watch & enjoy certain HARDCORE porn that i wouldn’t participate in example gay porn im not into men wont watch it i dont like seein like 8 dudes on 1 chick so if it has to be group sex i’d rather see more women than men my taste not forcing it on ppl i dont got a problem with the mind breaking sex i dont like how they portray it that mind break rape sex would be cool as fuck if they do it without a bunch men on 1 chick or having to look @ the punkass MC tied up cryin like a bitch it distracts from the the good parts

        • Anonymous 11 years ago

          anonymouslx harem’s the way to go that or non-homicidal endings like in school days fucked up ending
          3 cheers for Beene

          • anonymouslx 11 years ago

            previous msg – botched name placement bcuz computers suck at times

  • Christian Bonao 11 years ago

    Hmmm i half

  • unbournx 11 years ago

    what a sick hentai.. i feel no pleasure but rage..seriously
    not to mention the 2 sisters from ranXsem also present and broken already..

  • young virgin 11 years ago

    I came 15 times today. My pussy hurts. it’s definitely time to stop.

  • Shadowywind 11 years ago

    I like this site.

  • Havok 11 years ago

    Hottest gangbang rape ever, better than both the respective hentai’ mixed in!!! I also cant… believe… there is going to be a second episode O.O!

  • kamero 11 years ago

    party fucking :(

  • Mikasa Ackerman 11 years ago

    What’s up with the pussies on the comment section?

    Fucking crybabies.

  • SeverXD 11 years ago

    So those two sisters became all fucked up as well. Hmmm… Who ever would have guessed.

  • Well still sad fucking ending

  • Would have been way better if she killed the ass hole and the bitch at the end :/ heck, I would do it for her

  • Pacheco 11 years ago

    Well damn! Believe mother fuckers

  • assassin 11 years ago

    WTF… is going on at the end

  • Pinhead 11 years ago

    who the hell cares about the bombing puppies and… A holy war?

  • Simple viewer 11 years ago

    I think I’m going to go set a box of orphaned puppies on fire start a holy war and rebomb Japan now

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      What the fuck, how is burning puppies gonna help that cause?

  • plot plot everywhere 11 years ago

    I perfer this girl would be rape by a normal guy, instead of seeing of fat piece of shit people rapeing her.

  • Count Lord Von Giggity 11 years ago

    There was absolutely no difference between what she went through at that awful school and what she went through at that sex-crazed seminar. Poor girl.

  • Youknowhesthemack 11 years ago

    She literally BROKE!!!!!! And to think theres a second ep coming….

  • kasmichan 11 years ago

    she looks scary at the ending..did she really got crazy? I think it’s hanging there..who knows she might’ve killed the two..

    • Brandon 11 years ago

      A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this aritlce.

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