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  • stephen 11 years ago

    Im just gonna go saying this is a totle mindfuck because you just feel bad for her and pus this type of rape sucks

  • random 11 years ago

    I know this is hentai but i actully feel bad for these kinda things like brain jacker too

  • i cant understand the story can any one tell me from the begining to an end

  • i dont understand can anyone explain it to me why the teacher let suck the student cock and have sex with them

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      this is porn, so logic doesn’t apply to any porn theme

    • Blackmail 11 years ago

      Both the women got blackmailed and forced to have sex. :P

  • TThe finance is such a jerk

  • The ending I saw it coming this happens in almost every school rape hentai… But the fiancé is an asshole I would have married her she is good looking has a nice body and had a nice personality, heck I would have married the blond chick this is the one thing I don’t like is that the rapist leader decides to share the two teachers if I were him I’d keep them to my self and find some one else to give to his friends and others like what if the black haired girl says hey why don’t you get the girl that my fake fiancé is with and make her to a cum dumpster and then watch his reaction when he finds out thus ending with the two female teachers living happy with the blue haired kid the guy two taming sees the woman he loves getting banged by everyone in the school that’s kinda a happy ntr cause the guy played and lied to that one girl

  • All hentai rape victims use…”Take it like a bitch” attack.

  • Question 11 years ago

    No hero?

  • She is so dumb.

  • jison 11 years ago

    I love naruto hentai porn

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Rape party :))

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Not sure I like this.

  • anonymous chick 11 years ago

    thats what she get for being a dumb bitch

  • Asuna Kirigaya 11 years ago

    I like it…a new idea of me and Kirito-kun doing 16.5

  • Lich-King 11 years ago

    keep it up guys….btw nice artwork :O

  • awesome as i thought NTR is the best for me

  • I hate the ending. If only I could jump in with a hand grenade or a gun…

  • kratos 11 years ago

    wat? is that it?
    I dun like this ending

  • cool but this kinda sad, i like gangbang only if i use multi shadow clone no jutsu.

  • When is the new ep

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