February 1, 2013

Hentai: Please Rape Me!

Genres: , , , ,

9.32M 2404


  • the oh...ill get pregnant bitch 10 years ago

    And I am black so what’sthe problem.

    • No... I'll get pregnant! 10 years ago

      The fact that you say your black, but insisted to imply your race is uneducated… Just makes you a little bitch. You should take more pride in race, considering we black women are the mothers of the human race… Every ass on earth can be link back to a female in africa who existed thousand of years ago.
      But no. You show case your stupidly on a hentai site. In your last comment u said udc if i am black or white, but made it a point to call out my race before that-and then claim your black like whats up. Why did you contradict yourself? Why aren’t you better than that?

      I think you should reconsider who really needs to gtfo. Then again i am probably just talking to a low life worthless soul, trying to distract themselves from the fact that they are indeed, a trifling piece of shit.
      But if me entraining you with replies helps you escape that reality, i am here for you.

      Obviously you want my attention… Otherwise you wouldn’t have addressed me or knock off my name. Ik you read my other troll comments, must have wanted a taste! I try to equally nurse all you fools, but come on. I only got 2 tits and my milk is about near damn dry. And Ur crazy ass hanging on for dear life. Shit cant some1 else have a turn? Or you gon keep suckling me with replies? It’s ok, i got your dildo binky right here don’t worry.

      Though i do have fun coming up with all this.

      • Dangalang man 10 years ago

        I like how you just wasted your time just to argue with him

        • No... I'll get pregnant! 10 years ago

          I like how u gave enough fuck to say something about it.

          Bitch don’t kill my vibe

          Did you not see the last line?
          and obviously others have fun reading it.

          Now lets see if ur retarded enough to reply to this, thus wasting YOUR time-defeating the WHOLE point of ur fuckin previous statement.

          Like seriously
          You, the one curtiqueing someone else time management, joins in the 2 tits 100 trolls fest.

          Will it ever end.

      • Your mom 10 years ago

        I don’t think that’s correct. Where’d you learn that? From a black feminist? You are kind of a retard.

        • No... I'll get pregnant! 10 years ago

          I think the appropriate response would be “your mom”
          Watch discover channel dumbass
          Google it.
          Scientific Adam and eve are africans
          And why did you reply to me? Your promoting the idea i stated, “obviously you want my attention if you addressed it”
          You think I’m retarded
          Yet you insisted on questioning it- and stating it
          As If you have very little knowledge on the actual subject(which is true based on your ignorant response)
          I posted that fucking 2 weeks ago. And you felt the need to say something about it
          Why? The convo had nothing to do with you-but for some reason you had to be in it
          You’re so silly.
          Now if you could please, say again who is the retard here-just for my enjoyment~and those who get a kick out of my comments(maybe even because they sound ridiculous, but i think only the smart one’s realize its just a pun and I’m just using those who reply for my own personal entertainment-for it is pretty fun observing other’s actions(sociology) and what better to do that with a bunch of anonymous sexually frustrated men?)but i guess you were too silly to see that ^^
          Now it is up to you whether you reply… And i hope it is something interesting to dissect… But I do expect you to give a typical response :/ eager yes yet I probably wont check this site for another week or 2… Til then ^-^

  • the oh...ill get pregnant bitch 10 years ago

    Yeah I don’t care if you are black or white.sorry.let’s just keep watching he tai.that’s is all about this website

  • purple102 10 years ago

    God, I been reading these comments for three hours straight. I also been laughing os hard that I start to cry!!

  • Sshhh 10 years ago

    Fantasizing about dicks. Havent touched or seen one upclose.

  • looking at the comments……….lmfao

  • purelysuicidal 10 years ago

    Both but if i had to choose thenn i would choose ass

  • First of all a toilet is not that big

  • Sen Pai 10 years ago

    :3 niiice

    Btw he is really sensitive, she barely touched him!!

  • No... I'll get pregnant! 10 years ago

    I have a question for u all. Do u prefer….
    Big tits or a fat ass

    Im curious.

  • Remain anonymous. 10 years ago

    gaddamnit sex-crazed you all!!!

  • Nigger... 10 years ago

    I spent more time reading comments than watching the video..

  • Vanilla Rape~ 10 years ago

    Haha, what a funny rape scene.. I love it ^_^

  • Acretia 10 years ago

    Hey guys can u pls give me some site of anime hentai.. for free.. pls..

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Hey guys can u pls give me some site of anime hentai.. for free.. pls..

  • Virgin 10 years ago

    How old are u?
    Where do u live?
    Pls fuck.me!!!

  • HerOwner 10 years ago

    Ill be glad to conquer your virginity and own you, Chinese too? You are perfect for my wants!

  • Virgin 10 years ago

    I’m chinese and I’m 14..
    I want somebody to destroy my virginity

  • dickmaster 10 years ago

    Noillgetpregnant are u the queen or something here

  • dickmaster 10 years ago

    Bymyself I’m 15 i can help u there so am i

  • dickmaster 10 years ago

    I’m 15 anybody want to ride dis dick

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